90 NQF credits at HEQSF level 9

Note: National Astrophysics & Space Science Programme (NASSP). All students on the National Astrophysics & Space Science Programme (NASSP) will enrol (and pay fees) for the coursework component (AST5003F) at the start of their first year of registration. Those who choose to remain at UCT to complete the minor dissertation component (AST5001W, MAM5005W or PHY5003W) will be required to enrol (and pay fees) for the minor dissertation component in July. Where the minor dissertation is not submitted by the February deadline of the subsequent year, the student will be required to enrol (and pay fees) for the minor dissertation component in the subsequent year/s. See also the NASSP web site for details of the curriculum:

Co-ordinator [2019]: Dr S-L Blyth, NASSP co-director

Course outline:  This course consists of a selection of advanced topics presented by distinguished South African researchers from research institutions participating in NASSP. The courses vary from year to year but usually include cataclysmic variables, extragalactic astronomy, space technology, hot topics in cosmology, advanced general relativity, high energy astrophysics, observational cosmology, geomagnetism and aeronomy, plasma physics and magnetohydrodynamics.

Entrance requirements: This course is open to Honours graduates in Astronomy and Space Science (AST4007W), Physics (PHY4000W, PHY4001W, PHY4002W) or equivalent, and Engineering. Entrance is subject to a minimum pass mark of 60% in the Honours degree.

Assessment:  On average, examinations of individual modules count 60% of the final result, and marked practical work counts 40%.

[Last updated: 28 December 2018]