Theoni Photopoulou

Research Fellow

Dr Theoni Photopoulou is a statistical ecologist and currently a research fellow in the Centre for Research into Ecological and Environmental Research in the School of Mathematics and Statistics, at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, as well as a research associate at the Institute for Coastal and Marine Research at Nelson Mandela University. She works on individual and population-level processes in movement ecology (where animals go, why, and what they do there), trends in ecological time series, and in her current post, the effects of multiple stressors on marine mammal populations. Her expertise lies at the intersection of ecology, statistics and environmental science and she collaborates widely in all three disciplines. Her overarching research interest is using robust statistical methodology to answer questions about the way top predators use their ocean environments. She is also interested in the technological aspects of animal telemetry and what they mean for how we interpret and analyse data. She is an associate editor for the journal Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

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