Dr Roy Stauth - A Life Well Lived by Friends of Roy Stauth

Friends and colleagues clubbed together to install this recycled-plastic bench in the courtyard of the Environmental and Geographical Science Department, in Roy Stauth's memory
Roy Stauth did his Master’s and PhD in the then School of Environmental Studies, and was then a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Environmental and Geographical Science in the late 1980s. His warmth, energy and passion endeared him to the staff, researchers and students in ENGEO and the Environmental Evaluation Unit, and he gave generously and enthusiastically of his time in helping fellow staff, researchers and students with their work.
Roy received encouragement from many people whilst at UCT, but three played a vital role in his academic career.
· Professor Richard Fuggle gave him invaluable support, guidance and encouragement throughout his time in the School of Environmental Studies, both as a student and later as a member of staff.
· Professor Ben Gurzinsky introduced him to Economics and guided him in the use of economic principles in environmental decision-making.
· Professor George Ellis supported his effort in the development of a panel decision-making tool known as the “Delphi Method”, and wrote the computer programme on which it was run.
Roy felt deeply indebted to them and others who supported his research at UCT for the generous sharing of their time and knowledge. He completed his PhD (An Environmental Evaluation Methodology for Improving Resource Allocation Decisions: A Treatise With Selected South African Case Studies) in 1989.
He took a three-month sabbatical after completing his PhD thesis and spent this time in splendid isolation on a mountain, in a small, stone cottage kindly lent to him by a close friend in KwaZulu-Natal. Here he spent his days writing, reading and fly-fishing - his three most loved pastimes.
In 1987, Roy was appointed as a lecturer in the recently formed Department of Environmental and Geographical Science. His brief was to develop and promote environmental economics and economic applications in natural resource management. In many ways, Roy pioneered the now pivotal discipline of Resource Economics in South Africa.
After a productive period of three years on the staff of the Department, Roy’s relentless spirit saw him leave UCT.