Dr Olivier Brice Crespo Work Telephone +27 21 650 2999 Primary Email ob.crespo@uct.ac.za Scholary Outputs UCT Research Profile
With increasing population on one side and climate changing on the other, the already complex food production systems are under unprecedented pressure. I want to take part in facing these challenges, through the use of crop (suitability) modelling, under seasonal and/or long term climate change, targeting better understanding of adaptation pathways and their feasibility, to increase resilience of African farming communities.
Involved in consultancy and research projects, I participate to the improvement of global agricultural modelling (e.g. with AgMIP, MOSAICC), a better understanding of climate impacts on the agricultural sector (e.g. with IFAD, WRC), and enhance adaptation capacity in developing and developed countries (e.g. with FAO). Recently I developed stronger focus and engagement with shorter time scales (month to annual) which is proving to be of high interests and of critical concern to vulnerable farming communities in Africa.