Name; Shuaib Lwasa
Position; Principal Researcher on Adaptation Governance and Transformation
Affiliation; Global Center on Adaptation
Tel: +31 (0) 634458339 Email: Shuaib.lwasa@gca.org, shuaiblwasa@gmail.com
Academic Profile
Shuaib is an urban geographer with over 20 years University teaching and research in Uganda and sub-Saharan Africa. He received his Bachelors in Geography from Makerere University in 1996, a Masters in Geographic Information Management in Urban Management at International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation ITC, Netherlands in 1998, a Masters degree in Land Use Planning from Makerere University in 2000 and a PhD in Geography from Makerere University in 2007.
He began the academic career at Makerere University as a Lecturer in 1998 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2015, serving in various academic leadership positions. Established and directed an Urban Action Research Lab in 2010 which has championed graduate research and training in the department of Geography and incubating novel ideas of urban transformation and sustainability in partnership with low-income communities and vulnerable groups working in three research sites in Uganda. Acted as Guest Trainer at Institute for Housing and Studies, Rotterdam between 2009 – 2012 on The Urban Management Tools for Climate Change. Until 2020, Shuaib was an active member of the UN Habitat Partner University Initiative, UNI aimed at among others capacity building in urban planning for sustainability. He was coordinator of the Climate Change Hub based at Makerere University. Between 2008 – 2014, Shuaib was an International Guest Lecturer/Trainer at the University of Virginia for the Course on Ethics, Protocols and Practices in International Research. Other roles also include Coordinating Lead Author of the IPCC AR6, WG III Chapter 8 “Urban Systems and Human Settlements” and Lead Author for the IPCC Special report on Land and Climate Change. Previous and current scientific advisory roles to multiple research initiatives including; LIRA, UNDRR-GAR, IRDR, UGEC, Future Earth, City Risk Hub and ClimapAfrica.
Current Teaching
Shuaib is currently guest lecturing at University of Twente, Netherlands and Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim. He continues to supervise MSc/MA and PhD students in the department of Geography, Makerere University.
Research Interests
Shuaib’s research interests include cities and climate change from the global south perspective, working on adaptation and mitigation possibilities for transformative urban development. Working mainly with inter-disciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches, the research works have covered, urban heterogeneous infrastructure, urban inequality, land rights and transformative spatial and urban planning for sustainable development. His publications are in the areas of urban mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, urban ecological management, urban inequality, spatial planning, and disaster risk reduction and urban sustainability.