Fresh Offerings - Poems on Food Agency & Urgency, Featuring Mimi Nyaba

Cover art for Fresh Offerings by Luxolo Witvoet
Mimi Nyaba is a Masters student in the EGS Department taking an arts based approach to understanding the intersection of food insecurity and motherhood in Mfuleni, Cape Town. Her work as part of a collective of young poets working on food systems and hunger was recently showcased by the Daily Maverick. Read Daily Maverick article here
Mimi writes: "In engaging communities in research and making research accessible beyond the numbers and the text, my work with other artists, academics and community has been about exploring ways of using art as a way to convey information in different creative ways as in the case of this article written by Zukiswa Pikoli. The article reflects on a poetry anthology created by Food Agency Cape Town, TMG Research Think Tank and 15 poets living in Cape Town. The anthology is titled Fresh Offerings and is available in text, audio book and video form.