UCT to co-lead four Africa–Europe Clusters of Research Excellence

The University of Cape Town (UCT) will co-lead four of the recently launched 17 Africa–Europe Clusters of Research Excellence (CoRE), an initiative that will address head-on the inequity that has characterised research in relation to Africa, to the detriment of global science.
Announced on 19 June, following the ARUA–The Guild summit in Brussels, Belgium on 8 June, the initiative will pioneer new approaches to equitable collaboration to tackle societal challenges through research that drives scientific and societal impact.
Please click link to read more: https://www.news.uct.ac.za/article/-2023-06-20-uct-to-co-lead-four-africaeurope-clusters-of-research-excellence?fbclid=IwAR0EweqBDTmLn2qYMTm82KDO8tbTHF_fa4j-OxIakfTrBJ63wKAF0OvhPPk