"New " technology, old deal !

The City of Cape Town is proposing a revised approach to domestic metering, as part of the 2021-2022 draft budget. In response the authors argue that what is being proposed is yet another technological fix for structural problems. The proposed approach will further entrench water apartheid, and needs to be strongly rejected.

Authors: Dr Suraya Scheba, Faeza Meyer, Dr Koni Benson, Meera Karunananthan, Dr Vanessa Farr & Prof. Lesley Green.
To read the longer unedited version of the article please follow this link: https://www.blueplanetproject.net/index.php/new-packaging-same-deal-city-of-cape-towns-new-proposal-to-replace-water-management-devices-with-the-drip-system-will-further-water-apartheid/