Student News Article : Dr Rizqah Kamies

Dr Rizqah Kamies joined the Scientific Computing Research Unit in 2017 as a postdoctoral fellow. Rizqah managed the Cancer Translation Laboratory and worked on testing computational designs of key cancer targets inhibitors. Her previous interests were in plant sciences, but with the ultimate goal of working somewhere within the health sciences.
Rizqah took a break after completing her PhD, but eventually felt the need to return to research. Although she enjoyed her research into plant sciences, she wanted a different perspective within a different subject to broaden her skill set.
She says "being in contact with the SCRU research group in the lab, trained in various disciplines, helped to broaden my knowledge of data analysis and computational methods. Even if those skills are not a formal part of my work, I found it invaluable being exposed to it.”
Rizqah joins the 4th round of the Postdoc Fellowship Program in August, she will be working on investigating Molecular Ageing within Helmholtz Pioneer Campus at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich in Germany.