CHPC Conference 2018

Researchers from across South Africa gathered in Century City for the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) Conference. The conference was held from the 2-6 of December 2018 and attracted researchers from South Africa’s top research institutions, including Wits University, University of Kwazulu Natal and Stellenbosch University.
Professor Kevin Naidoo was an invited speaker and presented - “Advancing Computational Science in South African Academia through Social and Cyber Networks” on 4th December. Emre Kaya, Tharindu Senapathi, Tomás Bruce-Chwatt, Ananya Gangopadhyay, Matthew Coulson, Daniel Flowers, Jess Nel, Edgar Abuto and Lenard Carroll all presented posters at the conference. Lenard Carroll supervised by Dr Gerhard Venter won 2nd place for his poster entitle “A Combined Computational and Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution of Chitin in Organic Electrolyte Solutions”.