Prof. Susan Bourne was recently appointed to the Editorial Board of CrystEngComm and she travelled to Cambridge, UK in November 2018 to attend their board meeting.

Dr. Francoise Amombo Noa, who graduated PhD under the supervision of Prof.’s Luigi R Nassimbeni and Susan Bourne in December 2017, travelled to Gaborone, Botswana in October 2018, to give a talk at the 2nd Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Southern Africa.

Prof. Susan Bourne travelled to Gaborone, Botswana in October to attend the 2nd Symposium on Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, Southern Africa (SOIC) as a Plenary speaker. She also served as an International Advising Committee member.

Dr. Clive Oliver, who is on sabbatical from July to December, travelled to Chicago, USA to visit the International Institute of Nanotechnology at Northwestern University, Evanston, as a visiting scholar from 1-19 October. He then travels to Georgetown University in Washington D.C. to visit the Chemistry Department and deliver a research seminar.

Adrien Ndamyabera, Laurelle Joseph and Jacky Bouanga Boudiombo attended the INDABA 9 Conference on "Modeling Structures and Properties", at Skukuza, Kruger National Park in September, where they presented posters.

Professor Mino Caira travelled to Paris, to attend the 2nd International Congress and Exhibition on Pharmacy (Pharmacy-2018), as a Keynote Speaker from 20 - 21 August.  He then travelled to Oviedo, Spain to attend the European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM31), as Co-chair, with Dr Laszlo Fabian, of a microsymposium entitled ‘The role of supramolecular interactions in polymorphs and co-crystals’, from 22-27 August.

Professor Luigi Nassimbeni travelled to Oviedo, Spain, in August where he presented a paper entitled "Understanding Selectivity in Host-Guest Systems" at the 31st European Crystallographic Meeting. Prof. Susan Bourne is on the Scientific Programme committee for the ECM, but has overlapping commitments, so will not be present at the conference.

Alexios Vicatos, Jacky Bouanga Boudiombo, Adrien Ndamyabera and Marco Bardini all attended the 5th European Crystallographic School in Stellenbosch from 8-14 July. Prof. Susan Bourne was on the Organising Committee and also lectured on "Symmetry operations and their combination in crystals" i.e. the 32 crystallographic point groups. Prof. Luigi Nassimbeni presented a lecture on "Space Groups", the discussion being on The formation of the 230 crystallographic space groups, as the result of the combination of 14 Bravais lattices with 32 point groups when translational symmetry elements are included. Dr. Clive Oliver lectured on "Reporting Results", discussing preparing results for publication, in particular, preparation of CIF files, describing structures and what to consider for molecular graphics.

Ms. Nicole Sykes (5th from the right) was selected to participate in The Novartis Next Generation Scientist Program which is an intensive internship program for talented and motivated research scientists from emerging countries. The 3 month program from 1 June to 31 August, is hosted at the Novartis research site in Basel, Switzerland and is designed to foster both scientific and professional development. Guided by Novartis mentors, the interns work on a jointly-agreed upon, pre-competitive scientific or clinical research project and also participate in a leadership development program designed to enhance decision-making and communication skills. The program is run jointly by Novartis and the University of Basel. This internship aims to build scientific and leadership capability in emerging countries by enhancing the skills of local scientists and by facilitating the knowledge transfer to their wider scientific communities upon their return home." Nicole's specific project is to "test the ability of new computational tools to predict the effect of solvents and additives on the macroscopic shape of solution-grown crystals."

Professor Luigi Nassimbeni travelled to Vietri sul Mare, on the beautiful Amalfi coast of Italy, to attend the 2nd Meeting on Porous Molecular Solids (PoMoS), where he Chaired a session and also presented a paper as an invited speaker, from 6 to 8 June. The title of his talk being "Formation and Characterisation of Porous Inclusion Compounds".

Professor Susan Bourne also travelled to Italy in June to attend the PoMoS Meeting. She Chaired a session and also presented a talk as an invited speaker, entitled "Guest exchange in dynamic frameworks".

Professor Mino Caira travelled to Rome, Italy in June, as a keynote speaker, chairperson and member of the organising committee, of the 2nd Global Conference on Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems (PDDS2018).