Christelle Dzesse Tekouo, Prof. Mino Caira and Prof. Susan Bourne attended the 1st Pan African Conference on Crystallography (PCCr1) in Dschang, Cameroon in October. After the conference, Prof. Bourne will visit the University of Buea, at the invitation of Prof. Emmanuel Nfor.

Prof. Susan Bourne attended the 6th European Chemistry Congress (EuCheMS) in Seville, Spain in September, where she presented an oral.
Prof. Luigi Nassimbeni, Dr. Clive Oliver, Dr. Rajdip Dey and Ms. Nicole Sykes attended the 30th European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM30) in Basel, Switzerland in August/September. Prof. Nassimbeni presented an oral and Dr. Oliver, Dr. Dey and Ms. Sykes presented posters.
Prof. Luigi Nassimbeni travelled to Italy in August to visit collaborators in Udine as well as at the University of Parma.
Christelle Dzesse Tekouo attended the 42nd International Coordination Chemistry Conference (ICCC2016) in Brest, France in July, where she presented a poster.
Terence Noonan travelled to New Orleans, USA and presented a poster at the 9th World Drug Delivery Summit in June/July.
Prof. Mino Caira presented an invited lecture at the 3rd International Summer School on Cyclodextrins, held at the Polo University in Asti, Italy in June. While in Italy, he travelled to the University of Pavia to present a departmental seminar to the Division of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology.
Christelle Dzesse Tekouo attended the Organisation for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) 5th General Assembly and International Conference in Kuwait, in May. This was organized by the Kuwaiti Institute for Scientific Research (KISR).
Prof. Susan Bourne travelled to the University of Parma in April at the invitation of Prof. Alessia Bacchi, to present a seminar and discuss research projects and recently approved joint postgraduate degrees between the two universities.
Francoise Amombo Noa travelled to Grenoble, France in March in order to participate in the Higher European Research Course for Large Experimental Systems (HERCULES). This is a one month school based on Neutron and Synchroton Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Sciences, Geosciences and industrial applications) and includes visits to Large Facilities such as: The European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), Soleil and Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB) in Paris-Saclay, The Swiss Light Source (SLS) at the Paul Scherrer Institut in Villigen, the new DESY and European XFEL in Hamburg, and ELETTRA and FERMI in Trieste.

A visit to the XFEL facility in Hamburg, Germany
Prof. Mino Caira travelled to Madrid, Spain in March to attend the ‘Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery Systems’ Conference. He then continued on to the University of Pavia in Milan, Italy, where he presented invited lectures and continued research collaboration in the Department of Drug Sciences.
Nicola Dare travelled to Sheffield University, UK in January. She spent a month in Professor Lee Brammer’s laboratory, accessing specialist equipment and working on data, essential to the progress of her PhD project.