We congratulate Mr. Vaughan Maurell who graduated PhD in December 2016, undr the supervision of Prof. Mino Caira, his thesis title being "Inclusion of Selected Agrochemicals in Cyclodextrins: A Physicochemical Study".

We congratulate Mr. Ferdinand Ndube, who graduated MSc in December 2016, his thesis title being "Synthesis, pharmacological and solubility evaluation of antiplasmodial pyrido[1,2-a]benzimidazoles with cyclic and functionalized amine side chain substituents". Prof. Mino Caira was Ferdinand's co-supervisor.

We congratulate Gadija Akleker and her husband on the birth of their lovely new born daughter on 16 November.

Christelle Dzesse Tekouo returned to Cameroon in November for her big wedding day. We congratulate both her and her husband and wish them well for the future. She joins us again in the New Year to continue her research, as part of the OWSD sandwich scholarship programme.