The Department of Statistical Sciences at the University of Cape Town is responsible within the university for the development of the statistical sciences which include the disciplines variously known as statistics (and all its sub-disciplines such as biostatistics, biometrics and econometrics), operations research, management science, quantitative methods, decision science and quality management, and for the application of the statistical sciences in all areas of human endeavour.
In carrying out this mission, the Department will:
- ensure, through its teaching activities, the development of top-quality professionals in the statistical sciences;
- assist the university in ensuring that graduates in other disciplines acquire quantitative and decision-making skills;
- develop research programmes which contribute to the statistical sciences and to the development of South Africa, and which maintain a balance between theory and applications;
- provide, to all researchers in the university, a service whereby they can be assisted in the design of surveys and experiments and the analysis of the resulting data;
- foster, in the wider community, the rational use of data wherever decisions are taken on the basis of such data.