Principal Scientific Officer
Phone: 021 650 3724
Email: cornelia.klak@uct.ac.za
Room No.: 4.22.2 (HW Pearson Building)
External page
Research interests
Molecular systematics of succulent plants, with main focus on Aizoaceae, origin and diversification of Aizoaceae, taxonomy of Aizoaceae.

Articles in peer reviewed journals:
Klak, C. 2000. Taxonomic studies in the Aizoaceae from South Africa: three new species and some new combinations. Bothalia 30: 35-42.
Klak, C., T. Hedderson & H. P. Linder. 2003. A molecular systematic study of the Lampranthus Group (Aizoaceae) based on the chloroplast trnL-trnF and nuclear ITS and 5S NTS sequence data. Systematic Botany 28(1): 70-85.
Klak, C. 2003. New combinations, a new genus and five new species in the Aizoaceae. Bradleya 21: 107-120.
Klak, C., A. Khunou, G. Reeves & T. Hedderson. 2003. A phylogenetic hypothesis for the Aizoaceae (Caryophyllales) based on four plastid DNA regions. American Journal of Botany 90: 1433-1445.
Klak, C., G. Reeves & T. Hedderson. 2004. Unmatched tempo of evolution in Southern African semi-desert ice plants. Nature 427: 63-65.
Bruyns, P.V. & C. Klak. 2004. A phylogenetic hypothesis for and revision of the Madagascan endemic Stapelianthus (Apocynaceae – Asclepiadoideae – Ceropegieae) based on molecular and morphological characters. Annals Missouri Botanical Garden 91: 410-437.
Klak, C. 2005. Ruschiella, a new genus of Aizoaceae and new combinations in Phiambolia and Phyllobolus. Bradleya 23: 97-104.
Bruyns, P.V. & C. Klak. 2006. A systematic study of the old world genus Fockea (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae). Annals Missouri Botanical Garden 93 (4): 535-564.
Klak, C., T. Nowell & T. Hedderson. 2006. Phylogeny and revision of Brownanthus and its close allies Aspazoma and Dactylopsis (Aizoaceae) based on morphology and four DNA regions. Kew Bulletin 61: 353-400.
Klak, C., P.V. Bruyns & T. A. J. Hedderson. 2007. A phylogeny and new classification for Mesembryanthemoideae (Aizoaceae). Taxon 56 (3): 737-756.
Klak, C. 2008. Eight new species of Aizoaceae from the Cedarberg and Namaqualand, South Africa. Bradleya 26: 19-32.
Illing, N., C. Klak, C. Johnson, D. Brito, N. Negrao, F. Baine, V. van Kets, K. Rye Ramchurn, C. Seoighe & L. Roden. 2009: Duplication of the Asymmetric Leaves1/Rough Sheath 2/Phantastica (ARP) gene precedes the explosive radiation of the Ruschioideae. Genes, Evolution and Development 219: 331-338.
Bruyns, P.V. & C. Klak. 2009. The rediscovery and systematic position of Schizostephanus gossweileri and its phylogenetic position. South African Journal of Botany 75(3): 532-536.
Klak, C. 2010. Three new species and two new combinations in the Aizoaceae from the Western and Northern Cape of South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 76: 299-307.
Klak, C. 2010. Phylogeny and diversification of Aizoaceae: progress and prospects. Schumannia 6, Biodiversity & Ecology 3: 87-107.
Klak, C. 2011. New combinations in Antimima and Octopoma (Ruschioideae–Aizoaceae). Bothalia 41(2): 292-294.
Bruyns, P.V., C. Klak & P. HanáÄek. 2011. Age and diversity in Old World succulent species of Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae). Taxon 60 (6): 1717-1733.
Klak, C. & P. V. Bruyns. 2012. Phylogeny of the Dorotheantheae (Aizoaceae), a tribe of succulent annuals. Taxon 61(2): 293-307.
Klak, C. 2012. Two new species of Cleretum (Ruschioideae-Dorotheantheae, Aizoaceae) from the Northern Cape, South Africa. Haseltonia 18: 29-35.
Klak, C., Bruyns, P. V. & P. Hanácek. 2013. A phylogenetic hypothesis for the recently diversified Ruschieae (Aizoaceae) in southern Africa. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 69: 1005-1020.
Klak, C. & P. V. Bruyns. 2013. A new infrageneric classification for Mesembryanthemum L. (Aizoaceae: Mesembryanthemoideae). Bothalia 43(2): 197-206.
Ripley, B. S., Abraham, T., Klak, C. & Cramer, M.D. 2013. How succulent leaves of Aizoaceae avoid mesophyll conductance limitations of photosynthesis and survive drought. Journal of Experimental Botany, doi:10.1093/jxb/ert314
Bruyns, P. V., C. Klak & P. Hanácek. 2014. Evolution of the stapeliads (Apocynaceae-Asclepiadoideae) – repeated major radiation across Africa in an Old World group. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 77: 251-263.
Klak, C., P. Hanácek & P.V. Bruyns. 2014. Phylogeny and taxonomy for Mesembryanthemum subg. Volkeranthus (Aizoaceae-Mesembryanthemoideae). South African Journal of Botany 95: 112-122.
Melo-de-Pinna, G.F., A.S. Ogura, E.C.P. Arruda & C. Klak. 2014. Repeated evolution of endoscopic peripheral vascular bundles in succulent leaves of Aizoaceae (Caryophyllales). Taxon 63(5): 1037-1052.
Bruyns, P.V., M. Oliveira-Neto, G. F. Melo-de-Pinna2 & C. Klak. 2014. Phylogenetic relationships in the Didiereaceae with special reference to subfamily Portulacarioideae. Taxon 63(5): 1053-1064.
Klak, C., N.A. Helme & P.V. Bruyns. 2015. Cheiridopsis alba-oculata (Aizoaceae: Ruschioideae, Ruschieae), a new quartz-endemic from southern Namaqualand, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 96: 1-5.
Klak, C., P. HanáÄek & P.V. Bruyns. 2015. A phylogeny and revised classification for the Apatesieae (Aizoaceae: Ruschioideae) with a comparison of centres of diversity. Taxon 64 (3): 507–522. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/643.7
Bruyns, P. V., C. Klak & P. HanáÄek. 2015. Recent radiation of Brachystelma and Ceropegia (Apocynaceae) across the Old World against a background of climatic change. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 90: 49-66.
Hernández-Ledesma, P., W.G. Berendsohn, T. Borsch, S. Von Mering, H. Akhani, S. Arias, I. Castañeda-Noa, U. Eggli, R. Eriksson, H. Flores-Olvera, S. Fuentes-Bazán, G. Kadereit, C. Klak, N. Korotkova, R. Nyffeler, G. Ocampo, H. Ochoterena, B. Oxelman, R.K. Rabeler, A. Sanchez, B.O. Schlumpberger & P. Uotila. 2015. A taxonomic backbone for the global synthesis of species diversity in the angiosperm order Caryophyllales. Willdenowia 45 (3): 281-383. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3372/wi.45.45301
Klak, C., Bruyns, P.V. 2015. Notes on Ruschia dichroa (Aizoaceae): An endemic to the arid mountain fynbos of the Western Cape, South Africa. Haseltonia 21: 60-67.
Klak, C., Bruyns, P.V. 2016. Expansion of Schlechteranthus (Ruschioideae, Aizoaceae) to include Polymita, with a new species from Namaqualand, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 103: 70-77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2015.08.020.
Powell, R.F., J.S. Boatwright, C. Klak, A.R. Magee. 2016. Phylogenetic placement and generic re-circumscriptions of the multilocular genera Arenifera, Octopoma and Schlechteranthus (Ruschieae; Aizoaceae): evidence from anatomical, morphological and plastid DNA data. Taxon 65 (2): 249–261. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/652.3
Joubert, L., C. Klak, A.M. Venter, H.J.T. Venter & P.V. Bruyns. 2016. A very widespread tropical radiation in the Apocynaceae (Periplocoideae): The case of Cryptolepis. Taxon 65 (3): 487–501. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/653.4
Klak, C., P. HanáÄek & P.V. Bruyns. 2017. Out of southern Africa: Origin, biogeography and age of the Aizooideae (Aizoaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 109: 203-216.
Le Roux, M.M., Wilkin, P., Balkwill, K., Boatwright, J.S., Bytebier, B., Filer, D., Klak, C., Klopper, R.R., Koekemoer, M., Livermore, L., Lubke, R., Magee, A.R.., Manning, J.C., Paton, A., Pearce, M., Slingsby, J., van Wyk, B.-E., Victor, J.E. & von Staden, L. 2017. Producing a plant diversity portal for South Africa. Taxon 66: 421-431.
Bruyns, P.V., C. Klak & P. Hanáček. 2017. A revised, phylogenetically-based concept of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae). South African Journal of Botany 112: 399-436.
Powell, R.F., J.S. Boatwright, C. Klak, A.R. Magee. 2017. Inclusion of Ihlenfeldtia and Odontophorus in Cheiridopsis (Ruschioideae; Aizoaceae) with insights into generic and subgeneric circumscriptions within the Conophytum-clade. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 184: 457-484.
Klak, C., P. Hanáček & P.V. Bruyns. 2017. Disentangling Aizooideae: Recircumscription of genera and a new subfamily in Aizoaceae. Taxon 66: 1147-1170.
Klak, C. & P.V. Bruyns. 2017. Leipoldtia nevillei (Aizoaceae: Ruschieae), a new species from coastal Namaqualand, South Africa. Haseltonia 23: 92-98.
Powell, R.F., C. Klak, J.S. Boatwright, A.R. Magee. 2017. A Taxonomic Revision of Schlechteranthus subgenus Microphyllus (Ruschieae; Aizoaceae). Systematic Botany 42(4): 943–963. DOI 10.1600/036364417X696429
Sukhorukov AP, Nilova MV, Erst AS, Kushunina M, Baider C, Verloove F, Salas-Pascual M, Belyaeva IV, Krinitsina AA, Bruyns PV & Klak C. 2018. Diagnostics, taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution of perennial Sesuvium (Aizoaceae) in Africa. PhytoKeys 92: 45–88. https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.92.22205
Powell, R.F., J.S. Boatwright, C. Klak, A.R. Magee. 2018. Nomenclatural novelties in Cheiridopsis (Ruschieae: Aizoaceae). Phytotaxa 336(3): 299-300.
Klak, C., P. Hanáček & P.V. Bruyns. 2018. A Recircumscription of Jacobsenia (Aizoaceae): Re-instating Drosanthemopsis, with two new quartz-endemics from Namaqualand, South Africa and sinking Knersia. South African Journal of Botany 116: 67—81.
Bruyns, P.V., C. Klak & P. Hanáček. 2018. Corrigendum to “A revised, phylogenetically-based concept of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae)” [S. Afr. J. Bot. 112 (2017) 399—436]. South African Journal of Botany 116: 140-141.
Bruyns, P.V., C. Klak & P. Hanáček. 2018. An account of Ceropegia sect. Chamaesiphon (Apocynaceae) in Mozambique with new records and two new species. Phytotaxa 364 (2): 111—135.
Klak, C., Bruyns, P.V. 2018. Nomenclatural corrections in Aizoon subg. Namibiana (Aizooideae: Aizoaceae). Phytotaxa 364 (3): 299–300. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.364.3.11
Bruyns, P.V., Klak, C. & Hanáček, P. 2019. Crassula, insights into an old, arid-adapted group of southern African leaf-succulents. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 131: 35-47.
Sukhorukov, A.P., Kushunina , M., El Mokni, R., Ardenghi, N.M.G., Verloove, F., Uotila, P., Baider, C., Bruyns, P.V. & Klak, C. 2019. Chorological and taxonomic notes on African plants, 4: Caryophyllales. Botany Letters https://doi.org/10.1080/23818107.2019.1652848
Klak, C., Schmiedel, U. & Bruyns, P.V. 2020. The taxonomic status of Ruschia stricta var. turgida and R. promontorii and a new name for R. vaginata (Ruschieae, Aizoaceae). Phytotaxa 433(1): 41—54. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.433.1.5
Klak, C., Helme, N. & Bruyns, P.V. 2020. Lampranthus alboroseus (Ruschioideae, Aizoaceae), a new species from the mountains of the Western Cape, South Africa. Phytotaxa 435(1): 63—68.
Bruyns, P.V., Klak, C. & Hanáček, P. 2020. A review of the Euphorbia schinzii – complex (Euphorbiaceae) in southern Africa. Phytotaxa 436 (3) 201—221. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.436.3.1
Bruyns, P.V., Klak, C., Mazuch, T., Gelle, F.J., Elmi, H.S.A. & Hanáček, P. 2020. New species of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae) from the Horn of Africa. Phytotaxa 441 (2) 195—202. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.441.2.6
Klak, C., Hanáček, P., Curtis-Scott, O., Le Roux, A. & P.V. Bruyns. 2020. New taxa in Drosanthemum and a new genus in Drosanthemeae (Ruschioideae -- Aizoaceae). Phytotaxa 459 (2): 139—154. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.459.2.5
Jocou, A.I., Minué, C.R. & Klak, C. 2020. Typification and nomenclatural clarifications of Mesembryanthemum purpurocroceum and M. insitium (Ruschioideae, Aizoaceae). Phytotaxa 474 (1): 062—070. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.474.1.6
Messerschmid, T.F.E., Wehling, J., Bobon, N., Kahmen, A., Klak, C., Los, J.A., Nelson, D.B., dos Santos, P., de Vos, J.M. & Kadereit, G. 2021. Carbon isotope composition of plant photosynthetic tissues reflects a Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) continuum in the majority of CAM lineages. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 51 (2021) 125619. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2021.125619
Bruyns, P.V., Klak, C. 2021. A new species of Anacampseros (Anacampserotaceae) from northern Namibia. Phytotaxa 524 (1): 067—070. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.524.1.9
Bruyns, P.V., Klak, C. 2021. Umbilicus, a new record for Angola in the Crassulaceae. Haseltonia 28: 39—41.
Dorchin, N., van Munster, S., Klak, C., Bowie, R.C.K., Colville, J.F. 2022. Hidden Diversity—A New Speciose Gall Midge Genus (Diptera:Cecidomyiidae) Associated with Succulent Aizoaceae in South Africa. Insects 2022, 13, 75. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13010075
El Mokni, R., Klak C. & Van Jaarsveld, E. 2022. First record of the Southern African endemic Ruschia uncinata (L.) Schwantes (Aizoaceae) outside its native area with notes on its distribution in North Africa (Tunisia). Bradleya 40: 113—118.
Visscher, A.M., Boatfield, M., Klak, C., Yeo, M., Pearce, T.R., Wilman, V., Mdayi, N., Gumede, S., Hugh, W., Pritchard, H.W. 2022. Physiological seed dormancy of Ruschia imbricata and Ruschia uitenhagensis (Aizoaceae) is broken by dry heat and unaffected by seasonality. South African Journal of Botany 147: 457--466. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2022.02.007
Powell, R.F., J.S. Boatwright, C. Klak, A.R. Magee. 2022. A first phylogenetic hypothesis for the diverse genus Conophytum (Ruschieae, Ruschioideae, Aizoaceae) suggests convergent evolution of floral syndromes. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ppees.2022.125671
Manning, J.C, Klak, C. 2022. New infrageneric taxa in Leucospermum (Proteaceae) and Tetragonia L. (Aizoaceae) and a new name in Aizoon subg. Galenia (Aizoaceae) in southern Africa. Bothalia, African Biodiversity & Conservation, 52(1). https://doi.org/10.38201/btha.abc.v52.i1.11
Albani Rocchetti, G., A. Carta, A. Mondoni, S. Godefroid, C.C. Davis, G. Caneva1, M.A. Albrecht, K. Alvarado, S. Asencio, R. Bijmoer, R. Borosova, C. Bräeuchler, E. Breman, M. Briggs, S. Buord, L. H. Cave, N. G. Da Silva, A. H. Davey, R. M. Davies, J. B. Dickie, M. Fabillo, A. Fleischmann, A. Franks, G. Hall, G. Kantvilas, C. Klak, U. Liu, L. Medina, L. G. Reinhammar, R. J. Sebola, I. Schönberger, P. Sweeney, H. Voglmayr, A. White, J. J. Wieringa, E. Zippel & T. Abeli. 2022. Selecting the best candidates for resurrecting exinct-in-the-wild plants from herbaria. Nature Plants https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-022-01296-7
Klak, C., Hanáček, P., Bruyns, P.V. 2022. Two new species of Aizoaceae (Ruschieae, Ruschioideae) from the Cape, South Africa. Haseltonia 29: 16–23.
Bruyns, P. V, Klak, C., Hanáček, P. 2022. Two new species of Ceropegia (Apocynaceae) from tropical Africa. Haseltonia 29: 57–66.
Bruyns, P.V., Hanáček, P., Klak, C. 2023. A new concept of Leptadenia (Apocynaceae). Taxon 72: 126-150. https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.12827
Klak, C., Hanáček, P., Bruyns, P.V. 2023. Six new species of Ruschieae (Aizoaceae) and further notes on Ruschia. S. Afr. J. Bot. 156: 144–161. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2023.02.035
Sukhorukov, A.P., Nilova, M.V., Kushunina, M., Mazei, Y., Klak, C. 2023. Evolution of seed characters and of dispersal modes in Aizoaceae. Frontiers in Plant Science. https://doi: 10.3389//fpls.2023.1140069
Klak, C., Van Wyk, P., Bruyns, P.V. 2023. Notes on Eberlanzia schneideriana and Scopelogena (Ruschieae, Aizoaceae). S. Afr. J. Bot. 158: 461–468. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2023.05.008
Hanáček, P., Klak, C., Bruyns, P.V, 2023. A new species of Gonialoe from southern Angola. S. Afr. J. Bot. 159: 653–657. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2023.06.040
Bruyns, P.V., Hanáček, P., Klak, C. 2023. Diversity and endemism in the species-rich Ceropegieae (Apocynaceae) and Euphorbia in the highlands and escarpments of Angola and Namibia. Namibian J. Environment 8: 111–134. https://www.nje.org.na/index.php/nje/article/view/volume8-bruyns
Klak, C., Hanáček, P., Bruyns, P.V. 2024. Phylogeny and reclassification of Lampranthus N.E.Br. (Ruschieae, Aizoaceae) in southern Africa. Taxon DOI https://doi.org/10.1002/tax.13166
Smith, G. F., Chesselet, P., van Jaarsveld, E.J., Hartmann, H., Hammer, S., Van Wyk, B.-E., Burgoyne, P., Klak, C., Kurzweil, H. 1998. Mesembs of the world. Briza Publications, Pretoria, South Africa.
Klak, C. 2000: Aizoaceae. In P. Goldblatt & J. Manning (eds.), Cape Plants. A conspectus of the Cape Flora of South Africa. Pp. 222-268. Strelitzia 9. NBI, Missouri Botanical Garden.
Chesselet, P., G. F. Smith, P. M. Burgoyne, C. Klak, S. A. Hammer, H. E. K. Hartmann, H. Kurzweil, E. J. van Jaarsveld, B.-E. van Wyk & O. A. Leistner. 2000. Mesembryanthemaceae. Strelitzia 10: 360-410.
Klak, C. & M. Gerbaulet. 2001. Caulipsolon. In H. E. K. Hartmann (ed.) 2001. Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants. Aizoaceae A-E, p. 103. Springer.
Klak, C. & M. Gerbaulet. 2001. Psilocaulon. In H. E. K. Hartmann (ed.) 2001. Illustrated Handbook of Succulent Plants. Aizoaceae F-Z, pp. 230-236. Springer.
Klak, C. 2003. Aizoaceae. In: T. Trinder-Smith (ed.), Levyn’s Flora. Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium: 21.
Midgley, G. F., G. Reeves & C. Klak 2005. Late Tertiary and Quaternary climate change and centres of endemism in the southern African flora. In: A. Purvis, J.L. Gittleman & T. Brooks (eds.), Phylogeny and Conservation, pp. 230-242. Cambridge University Press.
Abbott, A.T.D. et al. 2009. In : D. Raimondo, L. von Staden, W. Foden, J.E.Victor, N.A.Helme, R.C. Turner, D.A. Kamundi & P.A. Manyama (eds.), Red List of South African plants 2009. Strelitzia 25. South African Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.
Klak, C. Aizoaceae. 2012. In Manning, J.C. & Goldblatt, P. (eds.), Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region 1: The Core Cape Flora. Pp 165-231. Strelitzia 29.South African Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-919976-74-7
Klak, C. Aizoaceae. 2013. In: Snijman, D. A. (ed.), Plants of the Greater Cape Floristic Region 2: The Extra Cape Flora. Pp. 260-309. Strelitzia 30. South African Biodiversity Institute, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-919976-77-8
Klak, C. 2023. Aizoaceae. In: G. Bramley, A. Trias-Blasi & R. Wilford (eds.), The Kew Temperate Plant Families Identification Handbook. Pp. 154-155. ISBN 9781842467725, Kew Publishing 2023.
Popular articles:
Klak, C. 2001. Die Gattung Lampranthus (Ruschioideae, Aizoaceae) in Südafrika. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 52: 29-36.
Klak, C. 2002. Recent studies in Lampranthus N.E.Br. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin 17: 70-75.
Klak, C. 2003. An introduction to Brownanthus N.E.Br. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin 18: 24-29.
Klak, C. 2004. Aizoaceae or Mesembryanthemaceae ?: New evidence from DNA. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin 19: 29-36.
Klak, C. 2007. Lost and found again: Circandra serrata. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin 22 (2): 27.
Klak, C. & Low, B. 2007. The re-discovery of a long lost vygie, Circandra serrata. Veld & Flora 93 (2): 73.
Klak, C. 2008. A new classification for the Mesembryanthemoideae (Aizoaceae). Cactus World 26: 71-80.
Klak, C. 2013. In search of succulents in Botswana. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin 28: 37-40.
Klak, C. 2013. Bokbaai vygies reclassified. Aloe 50(3): 92-97.
Klak, C. 2015. Apatesieae: distribution, new generic relationships and a novel subspecies in Hymenogyne. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin 30(4): 91-96.
Klak, C. 2018. Subfamily Aizooideae: the little known sister of the Mesembs. Mesemb Study Group Bulletin 33(1): 1-8.
Klak, C. 2019. Die Aizooideae: eine wenig bekannte Gruppe und nahe Verwandte der Mittagsblumengewächse aus dem südlichen Afrika. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 6: 161—171.