Dr Natasha Karenyi
Phone: 021 6504897
Room No.: JDay 2.38
Email: Natasha.Karenyi@uct.ac.za
Research Interests: Marine biodiversity, Numerical Ecology, Ecosystem Classification, Benthic Ecology
Biographical Information
- University of Cape Town: Bachelor of Science – Botany and Zoology,Bachelor of Science (Honours) – Marine Biology,Master of Science – Zoology
- Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University: Doctorate in Philosophy – Zoology 2009- current
Thesis title: Patterns and drivers of benthic macrofauna to support systematic conservation planning for marine unconsolidated sediment ecosystems - University of Cape Town - Zoology Department (2003) - Teaching Assistant – First year Biology course on Animal Diversity
- University of Stellenbosch – Department of Botany and Zoology (2005-2007) - Science Liaison Officer – Ellerman Resource Centre
- University of Stellenbosch – DST-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology (2007- 2008) - Outreach Officer – Iimbovane Exploring South African Biodiversity and Change Outreach Project
- South African National Biodiversity Institute – Marine Programme (2008) – SANBI Internship
Research Interests
I am a marine benthic ecologist with a particular focus on unconsolidated sediment habitats. I am also interested in marine biodiversity research, utilizing new or uncommon statistical methods to analyse marine biodiversity data to answer ecological and conservation questions. I am therefore a core team member of the centre for Statistics in Ecology, Environment and Conservation (SEEC). I also sit on SANBI’s Marine Ecosystem Classification Committee who is tasked with updating the marine ecosystem classification and map for the National Biodiversity Assessment.
KARENYI, N., K. SINK, R. NEL, ALLAN E. CLARK and R. ALTWEGG. 2018. Imperfect detection distorts depth-related trends in marine macrofaunal species richness. Ecography (in press)
KARENYI, N., R. NEL, R. ALTWEGG and K. SINK. 2016. Incorporating species detectability into conservation targets based on the species–area relationship. Diversity and Distributions 22:758-769. doi: 10.1111/ddi.12441
KARENYI, N., K. SINK and R. NEL. 2016. Defining seascapes for marine unconsolidated shelf sediments in an eastern boundary upwelling region: The southern Benguela as a case study. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 169:195-206. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2015.11.030
BRASCHLER, B., K. MAHOOD, N. KARENYI, K.J. GASTON and S.L. CHOWN. 2010. Realizing a synergy between research and education: how participation in ant monitoring helps raise biodiversity awareness in a resource-poor country. Journal of Insect Conservation 14:19-30
KRUGER, N., G.M. BRANCH, C.L. GRIFFITHS and J.G. FIELD. 2005. Changes in the benthos of Saldanha Bay (1960s-2001): an analysis based on dredge samples. African Journal of Marine Science 27(2):471-477
ROBINSON, T.B., C.L. GRIFFITHS and N. KRUGER. 2004. Distribution and status of marine invasive species in and bordering the West Coast National Park. Koedoe 47(1):79-87
GRIFFITHS, C.L., L. VAN SITTERT, P.B. BEST, A.C. BROWN, B.M. CLARK, P.A. COOK, R.J.M. CRAWFORD, J.H.M. DAVID, B.R. DAVIES, M.H. GRIFFITHS, K. HUTCHINGS, A. JERARDINO, N. KRUGER, S. LAMBERTH, R.W. LESLIE, R. MELVILLE-SMITH, R. TARR and C.D. VAN DER LINGEN. 2004. Impacts of human activities on marine animal life in the Benguela: a historical overview. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 42:303-392