Marine ecology and fisheries
Phone: 021 650 3612
Email: Colin.Attwood@uct.ac.za
Research interests
I am interested in marine fishes in general. One focus of my work is the monitoring and assessment of coastal fish stocks, and particularly recreational fisheries. Another is the management of multi-species trawl fisheries. For much of my career I have evaluated the role of marine protected areas in conservation and fisheries, and I remain interested in the topic of spatial management in general. Largely through my students, I maintain an active interest in fish biology and fish movement. I lecture on all of the above topics.
Five most recent publications
Roberson L, Winker H, Attwood C, de Vos L, Sanguinetti C, Götz A. (2015) First survey of fishes in the Bettys Bay marine protected area along South Africa’s temperate south-west coast. African Journal of Marine Science 37(4): 543-556.
Pasnin O, Attwood C, Klaus R (2016) Maine systematic conservation planning for Rodrigues Island, Western Indian Ocean. Ocean & Coastal Management 130: 213-220.
Attwood CG, van Zyl CS, AT Lombard and C McCagh (2016) Seasonally and spatially referenced estimates of recreational shore-angling effort, catch composition, catch rates and total catch in the Goukamma Marine Protected Area, South Africa. African Journal of Marine Science 38: 563-579
Parker, D, Winker H, Attwood CG, Kerwath SA (2016) Dark times for dageraad Chrysoblephus cristiceps: evidence for stock collapse. African Journal of marine Science 2016: 1-9
Roberson L, Attwood CG, Winker H, Cockroft AC, Van Zyl DL. (2017) Potential application of baited remote underwater video to survey abundance of west coast rock lobster Jasus lalandii. Fisheries Management and Ecology 24: 49-61.