Phone: 021 650 5868
Email: jeremy.midgley@uct.ac.za
Room No.: 2.32, (John Day Building)
Research Interests
I am interested in evolutionary ecology and ecosystem dynamics. At the moment I am working on pollination in Erica, rodent pollination in general and rodent scatterhoarding in fynbos and savanna (marula). In terms of ecosystem dynamics, I'm working on woody plant dynamics in savanna and in the Knysna forest.
Scientific Papers
1.Midgley, J.J. 1986. Aspects of the phylogeny, evolution and biogeography of the genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae). Palaeoecology of Africa 17: 193?200
2.Midgley, J.J. and Vlok J. 1986. Flowering patterns of Cape Proteaceae. Acta Hort 185:273-276
3.Midgley, J.J. 1987. The derivation, utility and implications of a divergence index for the fynbos genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae). Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 95: 135-152
4.Midgley, J.J. 1988. The adaptationists' programme can benefit from phylogenetic perspectives: examples from Cape flora. S. Afr. J. Sci. 84:85-87
5.Midgley, J.J. 1988. Mortality of Cape Proteaceae seedlings during their first summer. S.A. For. J. 145:9-12
6.Bond, W.J. and Midgley J.J. 1988. Allometry and sexual differences in leaf size. Am. Nat 131(6):901-910
7.Bond, W.J., Midgley, J.J. and Vlok J. 1988. When is an island not an island? Insular effects and their causes in fynbos shrublands. Oecologia 77:515-521
8.Midgley, J.J. and Bond W.J. 1989. Leaf size and inflorescence size may be allometrically related traits. Oecologia 78:427-429
9.Midgley, J.J. and Bond W.J. 1989. Evidence from Southern African Coniferales for the historical decline of the gymnosperms. S. Afr. J. Sci. 85:81-85
10.Midgley, J.J. 1989. Season of burn of serotinous fynbos Proteaceae:A critical review and further data. S. Afr. J. Bot. 55(2):165-170
11.Midgley J.J., Hoekstra, T. and Bartholomew R. 1989. Implications of a field germination trial of serotinous fynbos Proteaceae for season of burn. Vegetatio 79:185-192
12.Midgley J.J. 1989. Pollen dispersal distances for a conifer canopy species in the Knysna Forest. S. Afr. J. Bot. 55(6): 662-663
13.Midgley J.J. and Bond W.J. 1990. Knysna Fynbos "islands"; origins and conservation. S. Afr. For. J. 153: 18-21
14.Midgley, J.J. and Clayton P. 1990. Short-term effects of an Autumn Fire on small mammal populations in Southern Cape Mountain Fynbos. S. Afr.For. J. 153: 27-30
15.Midgley, J.J. and Viviers M. 1990. The germination of seeds from heated serotinous cones of eight shrubland species. S. Afr. For. J. 155:5-9
16.Midgley, J.J. Seydeck A. Reynell D. and McKelly D. 1990 Fine-grain pattern in Southern Cape plateau forests. J. Veg. Sci. 1: 539-546
17.Midgley, J.J and von Maltitz G. 1990. Comparison of seedling distribution patterns of wind and ant-dispersed Proteaceae. S. Afr. J. Ecol. 1(2):60-62
18.Midgley, J.J and Bond W.J. 1991. Angiosperms versus gymnosperms: a critical evaluation of the reproductive superiority hypothesis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc 44:81-92
19.Midgley, J.J. and Bond W.J. 1991. How important is biotic pollination and dispersal for the success of the angiosperms? Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 333:209-215 (Also in the book: The evolutionary interaction between animals and plants. 1991. Chaloner, W.G., Lawton, J and Harper J.L. (ed). The Royal Society. London).
20.Le Maitre D. and Midgley, J.J. 1991. Allometric relationships between leaf and inflorescence mass in the genus Protea : an analysis of the exceptions to the rule Functional Ecology 5(4):476-484
21.Midgley, J.J. and Stuart-Hill G. 1991. Megaherbivores, Acocks, spekboom and goats. S. Afr. J. Sci. 87:550-551
22.Midgley, J.J., Cowling R.M. and B. Lamont. 1991. Relationship of follicle size and seed size in Hakea (Proteaceae). Isometry, allometry and adaptation. S. Afr. J. Bot. 57(2):107-110
23.Zacharias, P. Stuart-Hill, G. and Midgley J.J. (editors) 1991. Proceedings of 1st Valley Bushveld/Subtropical Thicket Symposium. Grassland Society of Southern Africa Special Publication. 55pp
24.Midgley, J.J. 1991. Valley Bushveld dynamics and tree euphorbias. In Proceedings of 1st Valley Bushveld/Subtropical Thicket Symposium. Zacharias, P. Stuart-Hill, G. and Midgley J.J. (ed). Grassland Society of Southern Africa Special Publication. pp 8-9
25.Midgley, J.J. and Joubert D. 1991. Parasitic plants, their host plants and the influence of herbivory by large mammals. Koedoe 34(2):149-152
26.Midgley, J.J. and Schafer G. 1992. Correlates of water colour in streams rising in Southern Cape catchments vegetated by fynbos and or forest. Water SA 18(2):93-100
27.Midgley, J.J. 1992. Why do some hopliinids have such large hind legs? J. Ent. Soc. of S. Afr. 55(1):157-163
28.Le Maitre D. and Midgley J.J. 1992. Plant reproductive ecology. In The ecology of fynbos. Nutrients, Fire and Diversity. R. Cowling (ed). Oxford University Press. pp 135-174
29.Midgley, J.J. and Watson L. 1992. Nearest neighbour interactions amongst adult Proteaceae in the southern Cape. S. Afr. J. Bot. 58(3):207-208
30.Midgley, J.J. 1992. Aspects of the dynamics of the High Forest at Langebos (Alexandria Forest Type). S. Afr. For. J. 161:19-22
31.Midgley, J.J. and Gobetz P. 1993. Dynamics of the forest vegetation at the Umtiza Nature Reserve. Bothalia 23(1):111-116
32.Midgley, J.J. 1993. An evaluation of Hutchinsons beetle-daisy hypothesis. Bothalia 23(1):70-72
33.Midgley, J.J. and Cowling R.M. 1993. Regeneration patterns in Valley Bushveld; where are all the seedlings S. Afr. J. Bot. 59 (5):496-499
34.Midgley, J.J. 1993. Mass mortality of tree Euphorbias in the Eastern Cape: Are baboons the culprits? Bontebok 8:28-30
35.Linder H.P. and Midgley J.J. 1994. Taxonomy, compositional biodiversity and functional biodiversity of fynbos. S. Afr. J. Sci. 90:329-333
36.Midgley, J.J. & Scott D.F. 1994. The use of stable isotopes of water in hydrological studies in the Jonkershoek Valley. Water SA 20(2): 151-154
37.Midgley, J.J. Talma S., Scott D., Olbrich B. and van Wyk G.F. 1994. Analysis of stable isotopes of xylem water from plantation trees in E. Transvaal and Zululand indicate they utilised ground water during the drought of 1992. S. Afr. For. J. 170:33-36
38.Picker, M. & Midgley J.J. 1994. Observations on unusual mating and fossorial activity in the monkey beetle Hoplcnemis crassipes Olivier (Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae) Afr Ento 2(2): 181-182
39.Dean, W.R.J., Midgley, J.J. and Stock W. 1994 The distribution of mistletoe species in South Africa; patterns of species richness and host choice. J. Biogeog. 21:503-510
40.Everard D. A., van Wyk G.F and Midgley J.J. 1994. Disturbance and diversity of forests in Natal: lessons for their utilisation. Strelitzia 1:275-286.
41.Midgley, G., Midgley J.J., Linder H.P. and Bond W.J. 1994. Mistletoes on CAM hosts; an ecophysiological perspective on an unusual combination. S. Afr. J. Sci. 90:482-484
42.Midgley, J.J., Bond, W.J.& Geldenhuys C.J. 1995. A review of southern African conifers. In Southern conifers. Enright, N., Veblen, T. and Hill B. (ed). University of Melbourne Press.
43.Midgley, J.J., van Wyk G., and Everard D.A. 1995. Relative lack of regeneration of canopy dominants in some South African forests. S. Afr. J. Sci. 91:7-8
44.Midgley, J.J. van Wyk G.R and Everard D.A. 1995 Leaf attributes of some South African forest species. Afr. J. Ecol. 33:160-168
45.Midgley, J.J. Cameron, M.C. and Bond W.J. 1995. Gap characteristics and replacement patterns in the Knysna Forest, South Africa. J. Veg. Sci. 6:29-36
46.Bond W.J. and Midgley J.J. 1995. Kill thy neighbour: an individualistic argument for the evolution of flammability. Oikos 73:79-85
47.Midgley, J.J. and Bond W.J. 1995 Relative attractiveness of seeds of myrmecochorous Australian and South African plants to ants, and the chemical basis of this attraction. S. Afr. J. Bot. 61(4):230-232
48.Everard, D.A., Midgley J.J., and Van Wyk G.F. 1995. Dynamics of some forests in Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa, based on ordinations and size-class distributions. S. Afr. J. Bot. 61(6): 283-292
49.Midgley J.J. 1996. Why the worlds vegetation is not completely dominated by resprouters. Ecography 19(1): 92-95
50.Picker M and Midgley J.J. 1996. Pollination by monkey beetles (Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae:Hopliini): flower and colour preferences J. Afr. Ento. 4(1): 7-14
51.Cowling R.M. and Midgley J.J. 1996. The influence of regional phenomena on an emerging global ecology. Global ecology and biogeography Letters 5:1-3
52.Ellis A.G. and Midgley J.J. 1996 A new plant-insect mutualism involving a carnivorous plant and a hemipteran insect. Oecologia 106:478-481
53.van Wyk G.F. Midgley, J.J. and Everard D.A. 1996 Floristics and dynamics of the Dukuduku forest, Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. S. Afr. J. Bot. 62(3):133-142
54.Linder H.P. and Midgley J.J. 1996 Anemophilous plants select their own species from the air. Oecologia 1996:85-87
55.Midgley J.J. and Ward D. 1996 Tests of induced responses of spinescent plants must take into account annual growth patterns. Afr. J. Rangeland Sci. 13(2): 78-80
56.Kruger L.M., Midgley J.J. and Cowling R.M. 1997 Sprouting in forests; a model based on canopy height. Funct. Ecol. 11:101-105
57.Johnson S. D. and Midgley J.J. 1997 Fly pollination of Gorteria diffusa (Asteraceae), and a possible mimetic function for dark spots on the capitulum. Am. J. Bot. 84(4): 429-436
58.Midgley J.J., Cowling R.M., Hendriks H., Esler K. and Rundel P. 1997 Population ecology of tree succulents (Aloe and Pachypodium) in the arid w Cape; decline of keystone species. Biodiv and Cons. 6:869-876
59.Midgley J.J. 1997 The decline of Aloe pillansii at Cornells Kop in the Richtersveld Aloe 34:39
60.Cowling R.M., Kirkwood D. Midgley J.J. Pierce S.M. 1997 Invasion and persistence of bird-dispersed, sub-tropical thicket and forest species in fire-prone coastal fynbos.J. Veg. Sci. 8:475-488.
61.Midgley J.J., Cowling R.M. Seydack, A and van Wyk G.F. 1997. Forests. In Vegetation of Southern Africa (Edited Cowling R.M., Richardson D. M and Pierce S.M.). Cambridge Univ. Press. pp 278-299
62.Cowling R.M., Richardson D.M., Schulze, R.E., Hoffman, M.T. Midgley,J.J. and Hilton-Taylor C. 1997. Species diversity at the regional scale. In Vegetation of Southern Africa. (Edited by Cowling R.M. ., Richardson D. M and Pierce S.M.). Cambridge Univ. Press. pp 447-473
63.Midgley J.J. and Johnson S.D. 1998 Some pollinators do not prefer symmetrical flowers. J. Evol. Ecol. 12:123-126
64.Midgley J.J. 1998 Allometry of dispersal of tumblers (Combretum species) and parachutes (Leucadendron).Pl. Syst. & Evol. 211:141-147
65.Midgley J.J. and Stock W.D. 1998 15N analyses confirms insectivorous habit of Roridula gorgonias despite an absence of proteolytic enzymes. Annals of Botany 82(3):387-388
66.Midgley J.J., Enright N.J. and Cowling R.M. 1998. Demography and co-existence of two ecologically equvalent Proteaceae. Aust. J. Bot. 46:501-505
67.Midgley J.J. 1998. Mistletoes of Africa (review of P. Polhill & D. Wiens). Nature 396:732
68.Skowno A, Midgley J.J., Bond W.J. and Balfour D. 1999. Secondary succession in Acacia nilotica savanna in the Hluhluwe Game Reserve. Plant Ecology 145:1-9
69.Zachariades C and Midgley J.J. 1999. Extrafloral nectaries of South African Proteaceae attract insects but do not reduce herbivory. Afr. Ento. 7(1): 67-76
70.Kirkwood D. and Midgley J.J. 1999. The floristics of Sand Forest in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Bothalia 29: 293-304
71.Midgley J.J. 2000. What are the relative costs, limits and correlates of increased degree of serotiny? Aust. Ecol. 25:65-68
72.Midgley J.J. and Enright N.J. 2000. Serotinous species show correlation between retention time for leaves and cones. J. Ecol. 88:348-351
73.Midgley J.J. 2000 Determinants of clutch size in Leucadendron (Proteaceae); Pleiotropy versus trade-offs . Flora (Germany) 195(3):252-256
74.West A.G., Bond, W.J. & Midgley J.J. 2000. Soil isotopes reveal ancient grassland under forest at Hluhluwe, KwaZulu, Natal. S. Afr. J. Sci. 96:252-254
75.Midgley J.J. and Kruger L.M. 2000. Senescence in Cape Proteaceae. J. Medit. Ecol. 1:181-185
76. West A. Midgley, J.J. and Bond W.J. 2000. Regeneration failure and the potential importance of human disturbance in subtropical forest. Appl. Veg. Sci. 3:223-232
77. West A., Midgley J.J. and Bond W.J. 2001. The evaluation of 13C isotopes of trees to determine regenerative environments. J. For. Ecol. & Mgmt. 147:139-149
78.Midgley, J.J. & Bond W.J. 2001. A synthesis of the demography of African Acacias. J. Trop. Ecol. 17:871-886
79.Midgley, J.J., McLean, P., Botha, M. & Balfour, D. 2001. Why do some African Acacias have a flat-top? Afr. J. Ecol. 39:226-228
80.Midgley, J.J., Botha M. & Balfour D. 2001. Patterns of variation in thorn length, density, type and colour in African Acacias. Afr. J. Range and Forage Sci. 18:59-61
81.Midgley, J.J. Scott, D.F. & Harris C. 2001. How do we know how much groundwater is stored in Cape mountains? S. Afr. J. Sci. 97:285-287
82.Bond, W.J & Midgley J.J. 2001.The persistence niche: ecology of sprouting in woody plants. Trends in Research in Ecology and Evolution 16(1):45-51
83.Johnson S.D., Pauw A & Midgley J.J. 2001. Rodent pollination in Massonia. Am. J. Bot. 88:1768-1773
84.Johnson S.D. & Midgley J.J. 2001. Pollination by monkey-beetles (Hoplinii): Do colour and dark centres influence alighting behaviour?. J. Ecol. Entomology 30(5): 861-868
85.Anderson B.C. & Midgley J.J. 2001. Food or sex; pollinator-prey conflict in carnivorous plants. Ecol. Letters 4:511-513
86.Kruger L.M & Midgley J.J. 2001. The influence of resprouting forest canopy species on richness in Southern cape forests, South Africa. Global Ecology & Biogeography 10:567-572
87. Midgley J.J. 2001. Do mixed-species mixed-size indigenous forests following the self-thinning line? Trends Ecol. & Evol. 12:661-2
88. Midgley J.J. Harris C. Hesse H. & Swift A. 2002. Heuweltjies; age, origins and vegetation change based on 13C and 14C analyses. South African Journal of Science 98:202-204
89. Midgley J.J., Parker R., Laurie, H & Seydack A. 2002. Competition amongst canopy individuals; A test of the additive biomass hypothesis. Austral Ecol. 27:269-272
90. Midgley J.J., Anderson B., Bok A. & Fleming T. 2002. Scatterhoarding of Cape Proteaceae nutlets. Evolutionary Ecology
Research 4:623-626.
91. Anderson B. & Midgley J.J. 2002.Two company and threes a tangle. Mutualism and cheating in Roridula Oecologia 132:369-373
92. Midgley J.J., Midgley G. & Bond W.J. 2002.Why were some dinosaurs large; a food quality hypothesis. Evolutionary Ecology Research 4:1093-1095
93. Hendriks H, Novellie P.A., Bond W.J. and Midgley J.J. 2002. Food-choice of goats in Richtersveld. African Journal Range and Forage Science 19:1-11
94. Midgley J.J. 2003. Is bigger better in plants? Hydraulic costs of increasing plant height. Trends in Ecol. Evol. 18:5-6
95. Niklas K.J., Midgley J.J. & Enquist B. 2003. A general model for mass-growth-density relations across tree dominated communities Evol. Ecol. Res. 5:459-468
96. Niklas K.J., Midgley J.J. Rand A. 2003. Tree size frequency distributions, plant density, age, and community disturbance. Ecology Letters, 6, 1 – 7.
97. Bond W.J. & Midgley J.J. 2003. The evolutionary ecology of sprouting. International J. Plant Sci. 164:103-114
98. Anderson B.C. & Midgley J.J. 2003. Facilitated selfing offers reproductive assurance:a mutualism between a hemipteran and a carnivorous plant. American J Botany 90:1009-10015
99. Anderson B.C. & Midgley J.J. 2003. Digestive mutualism, an alternative pathway in plant carnivory. Oikos 102:221-223.
100. Midgley J.J. 2003. Competition amongst canopy trees; comment on Lusk et al. Austral Ecol. 28:219-220
101. Kirkwood D & Midgley J.J. 2003. Response to Mathews et al. (2001) vegetation of the Tembe Elephant Park, Maputaland, South Africa. S. Afr. Jnl. Bot. 69(2):1-2
102. Niklas K., Midgley J.J. & Rand A. 2003. Size dependent species richness; trends within plant communities and across latitude. Ecology Letters 6: 631-636
103. Hendricks HH, Midgley JJ Bond WJ & Novellie PA 2004. Why communal pastoralists do what they do in the Richtersveld National Park. Afr J Range and Forage Sci 21: 29-36
104. Midgley J.J. & Niklas K.J. 2004 Does disturbance prevent local biomass from being determined by local resource levels? Journal of Tropical Ecology 20:1-3
105. Midgley J.J. 2004 Why are Acacia thorns white? African J. Range and Forage Science. 21:211-
106. Lawes M., Midgley J.J. & Chapman C.A. 2004. South Africa’s forests: the ecology and sustainable use of indigenous timber resources. In Lawes M.J., Eeley
H.A.C. , Shackleton C. & Geach B.D.S. Indigenous forests and woodlands: Policy, people, practise. University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Press. Pp 31-63
107. Wright IJ, Reich PB, Westoby M, Ackerly DD, Baruch Z, Bongers F, Cavender-Bares J, Chapin T, Cornelissen JHC, Diemer M, Flexas J, Garnier E, Groom PK, Gulias J, Hikosaka K, Lamont BB, Lee T, Lee W, Lusk C, Midgley JJ, Navas ML, Niinemets U, Oleksyn J, Osada N, Poorter H, Poot P, Prior L, Pyankov VI, Roumet C, Thomas SC, Tjoelker MG, Veneklaas EJ, Villar R 2004. The worldwide leaf economics spectrum. Nature 428:821-827
108. Walters M., Midgley, J.J. & Somers M.J. 2004. Effects of fire and fire intensity on germination and establishment of A. karroo, A. nilotica, A. luederitzii and D. cinerea. BioMedCentral Ecology 4:1-13
109. Midgley J.J. & Anderson B.C. 2005. Scatterhoarding in Cape fynbos. In Forget P-M. et al. Seed Fate:Predation, dispersal and seedling establishment. Ciba Publishing, Wallingford.pp 197-204
110. Hendricks H.H., Bond W.J., Midgley J.J. & Novellie P. 2005. Plant species richness and composition along livestock grazing intensity gradients in Namaqualand. Plant Ecology 176:19-33
111. Midgley J.J., Balfour D. & Kerley G. 2005. Why do elephants damage trees? South African Journal of Science 101:213-215.
112. E. V. J. Tanner, V. K. Teo, D. A. Coomes, J. J. Midgley 2005. Pair-wise competition-trials amongst seedlings of ten dipterocarp species; the role of initial height, growth rate and leaf attributes. J. Tropical Ecology 21: 317-328
113. Midgley J.J. 2005. Why don’t leaf-eating animals prevent vegetation from forming: absolute versus relative dietary requirements. New Phytologist 168:271-273
114. Hendricks, HH, Clark, B, Bond, WJ, Midgley, JJ and Novellie, PA 2005 Movement response patterns of livestock to rainfall variability in the Richtersveld National Park. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 22 (2) : 117-125
115. Walters M, Milton S.J., Somers S.J., Midgley J.J. 2005. Post-dispersal fate of Acacia seeds in an African savanna. S. Afr. J. Wildlife Res. 35(2): 191-199
116. Midgley JJ & Seydack A. 2006. No adverse signs of the effect of environmental change on tree biomass in the Knysna forest during the 1990s. South African J. Science 102:96-97
117. LAWES, M. J., MIDGLEY, J. J., BOUDREAU, S. & GRIFFITHS M. E. 2006. Lack of disturbance as an explanation for the additive basal area phenomenon in a stratified Afrotemperate forest. Austral Ecology. 32: 471-477
118. Midgley JJ, Balfour D and N. Govender 2006. Is carry-over of grass biomass between years important in determining savanna fire regimes?
Afr. J. Range Forage Sci. 23:81-83
119. Balfour D and Midgley JJ. 2006. Fire Induced Stem Death In An African Acacia Is Not Caused By Canopy Scorching. Austral. Ecol. 31: 892-896
120. Molleman F & Midgley JJ 2006. 15N analyses of butterfly wings and bodies suggests minimal nitrogen absorbtion in carrion and dung in puddling butterflies (Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae). J. Research on the Lepidoptera 10:10-12
121. Midgley JJ & Seydack A. 2006. What determines biomass in indigenous forests? An analysis of the Knysna Forest, South Africa. Australian J Botany 54:1-5
122.Anderson BC & Midgley JJ. 2007. Density dependant outcomes of a mutualism. Oecologia 152:115-120.
123.Hendricks HH Bond WJ Midgley JJ and Novellie PA 2007. Biodiversity conservation and pastoralism-reducing herd size in a communal livestock production system in Richtersveld National park. J. Arid Environ. 70:717-728
124. Edkins M Kruger LM and Midgley JJ 2007. Baobabs and elephants in Kruger National park: Nowhere to hide. African J. Ecology 46:119-125
125. Dominic Byarugaba, P. Ndemere and J. Midgley. 2007. The vulnerability and resilience of Dioscorea species in utilised and nonutilised zones of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. African Journal of Ecology 45: 258-264
126. Mucunguzi P., Kasenene J., Midgley J., Ssegawa P., and Tabuti R.S. 2007. Distinguishing forest tree communities in Kibale national park, western Uganda using ordination and classification methods. Afr. J. Ecol. 45: 99-108.
127Lawes, Michael J. Griffiths, M E Midgley, J J. Boudreau, S, Eeley, HA.C. & Chapman, C A. 2008. Tree spacing and area of competitive influence do not scale with tree size in an African rainforest. J. Veg. Sci. 19:729-728.
128. Midgley JJ and Rebelo A.G. 2008. Life-history evolution as an explanation for the absence of the tree life-form in Cape fynbos. S. Afr. Jnl. Science 104: 89-90
129. Moncrieff G Midgley JJ Kruger LM 2008. Stem mortality of Acacia nigrescens induced by the synergistic effects of elephants and fire in Kruger National Park, South Africa Journal of Tropical Ecology (2008) 24:655–662.
130. Kleizen C, Midgley JJ and Johnson S.D. 2008. Pollination Systems of Colchicum (Colchicaceae) in Southern Africa: Evidence for Rodent Pollination. Annals of Botany 102: 747–755, 2008
131. Balfour D and Midgley JJ 2008 A demographic perspective on bush encroachment by Acacia karroo in Hluhluwe-Infolozi Park, South Africa Afr J Range Forage Sci 25:147-151
132. Midgley J.J. 2009. Euphorbia candelabrum juveniles are nursed by spinescent shrubs in lawn grass areas of Queen Elizabeth Park, Uganda. African Journal Of Ecology 47, 788–789
133.Midgley JJ 2009 Elephant utilisation of important plants in Addo Elephant park: comment on Landman et al. J. Zoology 277:106-109.
134 Letten A and Midgley JJ 2009. Rodent pollination in Cape legume Liparia parva. Austral Ecol. 34:233-236.
135. . M. D. CRAMER AND J. J. MIDGLEY. 2009. Maintenance costs of serotiny do not explain weak serotiny. Austral Ecology 34:653-662
136. Abercrombie L.G. et al. (92 authors) 2009. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources database 1 January 2009-30 April 2009. Molecular Ecology Resources 9:1375-1429
137.Boundja R.P. & Midgley JJ. 2009. Patterns Of Elephant Impact On Woody Plants In The Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal of Ecology 48:206-214
138. Potts. A., Midgley JJ and Harris C. 2009. Stable isotope and 14C study of biogenic calcrete in a termite mound, Western Cape, South Africa, and its palaeoecological significance. Quaternary Research 72:258-264
139. Biccard A Midgley JJ 2009 Rodent pollination in Protea nana. South African Journal of Botany 75:720-725
140. Kleizen C Midgley JJ and Johnson SD. 2009. Variation in seed set amongst populations of a rodent pollinated geophyte, Colchicum coloratum. South African Journal of Botany 75:720-725
141. Midgley JJ and Illing N. 2009. Were Malagasy Uncarina
fruits dispersed by the extinct elephant bird? South African Journal of Science 105, November/December 2009 467:469
142. Midgley JJ. Lawes MJ and Chamaillé-Jammes S. 2010. Turner Review: Savanna woody plant dynamics: the role of fire and herbivory,
separately and synergistically Australian Journal of Botany, 2010, 58, 1–11
143. J.J. Midgley 2010. Causes of secondary sexual differences in plants — Evidence from extreme leaf dimorphism in Leucadendron (Proteaceae)
South African Journal of Botany 76 (2010) 588–592
144. Midgley JJ 2010 More mysterious mounds:origins of the Brazilian campos de murundus Plant and Soil 336:1-2
145. Clarke PJ Lawes MJ Midgley JJ 2010 Resprouting as a key functional trait in woody plants-challenges to developing new organising principles. New Phytologist 188:651-654
146. Turner R Midgley JJ Johnson SD 2011. Evidence for rodent pollination in Erica hanekomii (Ericaceae)Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 166, 163–170.
147. J.J. Midgley , L.M. Kruger, R. Skelton 2011 How do fires kill plants? The hydraulic death hypothesis and Cape Proteaceae “fire-resisters” South African Journal of Botany 77 (2011) 381–386.
148. ALASTAIR J. POTTS, JEREMY J. MIDGLEY, MATTHEW F. CHILD, CIARA LARSEN and TESSA HEMPSON 2011. Coexistence theory in the Cape Floristic Region: revisiting an example of leaf niches in the Proteaceae. Austral Ecology 36: 212–219)
149. M J Lawes, B P Murphy, J J Midgley and J Russell-Smith 2011. Are the eucalypt and non-eucalypt components of Australian tropical savannas independent? Oecologia 166(1):229-239
150. Lawes, M. J., H. Adie, J. Russell-Smith, B. Murphy, and J. J. Midgley. 2011. How do small savanna trees avoid stem mortality by fire? The roles of stem diameter, height and bark thickness. Ecosphere 2(4):art42. doi: 10.1890/ ES10-00204.1
151 Lawes, M. J., Richards, A., Dathe, J. & Midgley, J.J. (2011) Bark thickness determines fire resistance of selected tree species from fire-prone tropical savanna in north Australia. Plant Ecology 212:2057-2069
152. Helm, C. Wilson G., Midgley JJ Kruger L Witkowski ETF 2011. Investigating the vulnerability of an African savannah tree (Sclerocarya birrea ssp. Caffra) to fire and herbivory. Austral Ecology 36:964-973
153. Midgley J. J. Bond W.J.2011. Pushing back in time: the role of fire in plant evolution . New Phytologist 191: 5-7
154. TURNER RC, MIDGLEY JJ, BARNARD P, SIMMONS R & JOHNSON SD. 2011. Experimental evidence for bird pollination and corolla damage by ants in the short-tubed flowers of Erica halicacaba (Ericaceae). South African Journal of Botany 79:25-31.
155 Jeremy J. Midgley, Kirsten Gallaher and Laurence M. Kruger. 2012. The role of the elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the tree squirrel (Paraxerus cepapi) in marula (Sclerocarya birrea) seed predation, dispersal and germination. Journal of Tropical Ecology 28:227–231
156 Bond W.J & Midgley J.J. 2012.Fire and angiosperm revolutions. Int. Jnl. Plant Sciences 173: 569-583
157 Cramer M Innes S Midgley JJ 2012. Hard evidence that heuweltjie earth mounds are relictual features produced by differential erosion Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 350/352:189-197
158 Midgley JJ Harris Harington A C Potts A 2012 A geochemical perspective on the origin of heuweltjies S Afr Geology Jnl 115:577-586
159 Jeanne Tonnabel1*, Tom J.M. Van Dooren2, Jeremy Midgley3, Patsy Haccou4,5,
Agnès Mignot1, Ophélie Ronce1 and Isabelle Olivieri1 2012. Optimal resource allocation in a serotinous non-resprouting plant species under different fire
Regimes. Journal of Ecology, 100, 1464–1474.
160 Skelton RP Midgley JJ Nyaga JM Johnson SD Cramer MD 2012 Is leaf pubescence a xeromorphic or radiation-protective trait? Aust J Bot 60: 104-113
160 U.D. Rusch a, J.J. Midgley b, B. Anderson 2013 Rodent consumption and caching behaviour selects for specific seed traits. South African Journal of Botany 84 (2013) 83–87
161 Midgley JJ and Bond WJ. 2013. Plant Adaptations to Fire an Evolutionary Perspective In Fire Phenomena and the Earth System: An interdisciplinary Approach to Fire Science, Edited Belcher C.M. Wiley-Blackwell. Pp 125-134.
162 P. J. Clarke1, M. J. Lawes2, J. J. Midgley3, B. B. Lamont4,5, F. Ojeda6,
G. E. Burrows7, N. J. Enright4,5 and K. J. E. Knox1 2013. Resprouting as a key functional trait: how buds, protection and resources drive persistence after
Fire. New Phytologist (2013) 197: 19–35
163. Ursina D. Rusch, Jeremy J. Midgley & Bruce Anderson. 2013. Competing seed consumers drive the evolution of scatter-hoarding: Why rodents do not put all
their seeds in one larder. African Zoology 48(1): 152–158
164. Midgley JJ 2013. Flammability is not selected for, it emerges. Australian Journal of Botany, 2013, 61, 102–106
165. P. G. Ladd, J. J. Midgley and A. P. Nield. 2013. Serotiny in southern hemisphere conifers. Australian Journal of Botany, 61, 486–496
166. Michael J. Lawes1*, Sarah J. Richardson2, Peter J. Clarke3, Jeremy J. Midgley4, Matt S. McGlone2 and Peter J. Bellingham 2014. Bark thickness does not explain the different susceptibility of Australian and New Zealand temperate rainforests to anthropogenic fire. Journal of Biogeography 41:1467-1477
167 Welsford, Megan R.; Midgley, Jeremy J.; Johnson, Steven D. 2014.
Experimental Evaluation of Insect Pollination versus Wind Pollination in Leucadendron (Proteaceae) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT SCIENCES 175: 296-306
168 Van der Niet, Timotheus; Pirie, Michael D.; Shuttleworth, Adam; et al.2014
Do pollinator distributions underlie the evolution of pollination ecotypes in the Cape shrub Erica plukenetii? ANNALS OF BOTANY 113: 301-315
169. Jeanne Tonnabel1, Agnès Mignot1, Emmanuel J.P. Douzery1, Anthony G. Rebelo2, Frank M. Schurr1, Jeremy Midgley3, Nicola Illing4, Fabienne Justy1, Denis Orcel1, Isabelle Olivieri1 2014. Convergent and correlated evolution of major life-history traits in the angiosperm genus Leucadendron (Proteaceae). Evolution 68:2775-2792.
170. Rausch U Midgley JJ Anderson B. 2014. Seasonal fluctuations in rodent seed caching and consumption behaviour in fynbos shrublands: implications for fire management. South African Journal of Botany 93:217-221
171. Gareth P. Hempson, Jeremy J. Midgley, Michael J. Lawes, Karen J. Vickers & Laurence M. Kruger 2014. Comparing bark thickness: testing methods with bark– stem data from two South African fire-prone biomes. Journal of Vegetation Science 25:1247-1256
172 van den Heuwel I Midgley J.J 2014. Towards an isotope ecology of SW Cape small mammals. African Zoology 49(2): 195–202
173 Anderson B Allsopp N Ellis AG Johnson SD Midgley J.J Pauw A and Rodger JG 2014. Biotic Interactions (Chapter 10). In Fynbos Ecology, evolution and conservation of a megadiverse region. Allsopp N. Colville JF Verboom GA. Oxford Univ. Press pp224-247.
174. Annalie Melin Mathieu Rouget Jeremy J. Midgley John S. Donaldson 2014. Pollination ecosystem services in South African agricultural systems. South African Journal of Science. Art. #2014-0078, 9 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/ sajs.2014/20140078
175. Peter J. Clarke Michael J. Lawes Brett P. Murphy Jeremy Russell-Smith Catherine E.M. Nano Ross Bradstock Neal J. Enright Joseph B. Fontaine Carl R. Gosper Ian Radford Jeremy J. Midgley Richard M. Gunton. 2015. A synthesis of post-fire recovery traits of woody plants in Australian ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment.) 534:31-42 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.04.002
176. Sandy-Lynn Steenhuisen1*, Alice Balmer2, Kim Zoeller1, Nicola Kuhn1, Jeremy Midgley1, Dennis Hansen2 and Steven D. Johnson. 2015. Carnivorous mammals feed on nectar of Protea species (Proteaceae) in South Africa and likely contribute to their pollination. Afr J Ecology 6 MAY 2015, DOI: 10.1111/aje.12225
177. Cramer MC Midgley JJ von Holdt J Khomo L (in press) Evidence for aeolian origins of heuweltjies from buried gravel layers. South African Journal of Science.
178. Midgley, J.J*,1, Kruger, L.M# , Viljoen, S.*, Bijl, A.* and Steenhuisen, S-L.* (in press). Fruit and seed traits of the elephant-dispersed African savanna plant Balanites maughamii. J. Tropical Ecologydoi:10.1017/S0266467415000437
179.Jeremy Midgley, Thomas Sawe, Peter Abanyam, Kidane Hintsa,
Paul Gacheru. (in press) Spinescent East African savanna acacias also have thick bark, suggesting they evolved under both an intense fire and herbivory regime. African J Ecology
180. Jeremy J. Midgley1, Joseph D.M. White1, Steven D. Johnson2 & Gary N. Bronner1Faecal mimicry by seeds ensures dispersal by dung beetles. Nature Plants
181. Peter J. Clarke Michael J. Lawes2 Jeremy J. Midgley3 M. Atri4 2015. Fire regime, soil fertility and growth form interact to shape fire and growth traits in two co-occurring Banksia species Evol EcolDOI 10.1007/s10682-015-9799-y
182. R.C. Turner , J.J.Midgley 2015. Sunbird-pollination in the geoflorous species Hyobanche sanguinea (Orobanchaceae) and Lachenalia luteola (Hyacinthaceae) South African Journal of Botany xxx (2015) xxx–xxx