Dr Charlene Janion-Scheepers
Email: charlene.janion-scheepers@uct.ac.za
Room 3.31, John Day Building
Research interests
I am a terrestrial invertebrate ecologist and physiologist. I am especially interested in the adaptation and plasticity of invertebrates’ responses to climate change and how these responses differ between introduced and indigenous species. To answer these questions, I mainly work on soil systems that are key for terrestrial ecosystem functioning - using springtails (Collembola) as exemplars and adopting a multidisciplinary approach incorporating physiology, traditional taxonomy, DNA barcoding and ecology. Her Soil Ecology and Entomology Research Group (SEER) http://www.seer.org.za is located in John Day Building.
Publications: click here http://collembola.co.za/dr-charlene-janion-scheepers/