Evolutionary genetics and conservation biology
Phone: +27 (0)21 650 3631
Email: jacqueline.bishop@uct.ac.za
Research Interests
Conservation Genetics; Animal ecology; Adaptive vs Neutral Genetic variation; Mating systems; Wildlife health
My research interests center on the use of molecular, behavioural and ecological data to understand (i)the relative contributions of genetic drift and selection in shaping variation in natural populations of vertebrates, (ii) the impacts of anthropogenic land-use change on natural populations, and (iii) the health implications of these changes for wildlife. This involves a range of molecular and ecological approaches to elucidate evolutionary genetic histories from the level of individuals and parentage assignment to the analysis of genes, populations and species. I have an ongoing interest in the evolutionary drivers of mate choice behaviour, together with understanding the relative importance of adaptive genetic variation in free-living populations. Working within this framework I use a number of taxa as models to test current theories. These have included crocodiles, rhinoceros, baboons and mole-rats, and more recently seabirds, bats and caracal.
Collaborative Research Projects
The Urban Caracal Project. Dr Laurel Serieys, Panthera; Prof. Justin O’Riain, Institute for Communities and Wildlife in Africa, UCT. See www.urbancaracal.org and https://www.facebook.com/urbancaracal
Seabird conservation genetics. Prof. Peter Ryan, Fitzpatrick Institute of African Ornithology, UCT
Climate change, habitat connectivity and pathogens in Fynbos birds. Prof. Peter Ryan, Dr Susan Miller & Dr Alan Lee, Fitzpatrick Institute of African Ornithology, UCT; Dr Phoebe Barnard, Conservation Biology Institute
Courses Lectured
BIO1000 Cell Biology; BIO2014 Principles of Ecology & Evolution; BIO3010 Systematics and Macro Evolution; BIO3014 Conservation: Genes, Populations & Biodiversity; MCB3023 Molecular Evolutionary Genetics & Development; ZOO5003 MSc in Conservation Biology
Recent publications
LEK Serieys, GRM Leighton, J Meröndun, JM Bishop (2024) Denning and maternal behavior of caracals (Caracal caracal). Mammalian Biology. doi.org/10.1007/s42991-024-00429-z
SM Miller, L Behrendorff, BL Allen, RL Andrew, G Ballard, JWO Ballard, KM Cairns, GC Conroy, PJS Fleming, CE Grueber, J Oakey, DA Smith, D Stephens, C Wade, JM Bishop (2024) Interactions of isolation, small population size, and management influence inbreeding and reduced genetic variation in K’gari dingoes. Conservation Genetics. doi.org/10.1007/s10592-024-01616-8
CC Kyriazis, LEK Serieys, JM Bishop, M Drouilly, S Viljoen, RK Wayne, KE Lohmueller (2024) The influence of gene flow on population viability in an isolated urban caracal population. Molecular Ecology. 33:e17346. doi.org/10.1111/mec.17346
GRM Leighton, PW Froneman, LEK Serieys, JM Bishop (2024) Sustained use of marine subsidies promotes niche expansion in a wild felid. Science of the Total Environment, 169912. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.169912.
S Kraberger, LEK Serieys, GRM Leighton, MD De Koch, JS Munday, JM Bishop, A Varsani (2024) Two lineages of Papillomaviruses identified from caracals (Caracal caracal). Viruses 16 (5), 701. doi.org/10.3390/v16050701
GRM Leighton, PW Froneman, LEK Serieys, JM Bishop (2023) Trophic downgrading of an adaptable carnivore in an urbanizing landscape. Nature Scientific Reports 13 (1), 21582. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-48868-x
LEK Serieys, JM Bishop, MS Rogan, JA Smith, JP Suraci, MJ O’Riain, CC Wilmers (2023) Anthropogenic activities and age class mediate carnivore habitat selection in a human-dominated landscape. iScience. Vol 26 (7) 107050. doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2023.107050
SM Miller, A Kotze, CK Harper, JM Bishop, VL Williams, M de Bruyn, DL Dalton, SAJ Selier (2023) Genetic diversity and origin of captive lion (Panthera leo) in South Africa: an assessment and comparison to wild populations. Conservation Genetics. doi.org/10.1007/s10592-023-01530-5
KH Parker, JM Bishop, LEKS Serieys, R Mateo, PR Camarero, GRM Leighton (2023) A heavy burden: Metal exposure across the land-ocean continuum in an adaptable carnivore. Environmental Pollution, 327.121585. doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121585
KEM von Dürckheim, LC Hoffman, C Poblete-Echeverría, JM Bishop, TE Goodwin, BA Schulte, A Leslie (2022) A pachyderm perfume: odour encodes identity and group membership in African elephants. Scientific Reports. 12 (1), 1-12. doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-20920-2
LK Smyth, GA Balme, R Tyzack-Pitman, JM Bishop, MJ O’Riain (2022) Like mother like daughter: quantifying the relationship between relatedness and phenotypic similarity in leopard pelage patterns. Mammalian Biology, 1-16. doi.org/10.1007/s42991-022-00308-5
GRM Leighton, JM Bishop, PR Camarero, R Mateo, MJ O'Riain, LEK Serieys (2022) Poisoned chalice: use of transformed landscapes associated with increased persistent organic pollutant concentrations and potential immune effects for an adaptable carnivore. Science of The Total Environment, 153581. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153581
LP Brodie, K Grey, JM Bishop, GF Midgley (2021) Broadening predictive understanding of species’ range responses to climate change: the case of Aloidendron dichotomum. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. Vol 9, article 715702. https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2021.715702
S Kraberger, LEK Serieys, C Richet, NM Fountain-Jones, G Baele, JM Bishop, M Nehring, JS Ivan, ES Newkirk, JR Squires, MC Lund, SPD Riley, CC Wilmers, PD van Helden, K van Doorslaer, M Culver, S VandeWoude, DP Martin, A Varsani (2021) Complex evolutionary history of felid anelloviruses. Virology. 562, 176-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virol.2021.07.013
GRM Leighton, JM Bishop, J Merondun, DJ Winterton, MJ O’Riain, LEK Serieys (2021) Hiding in plain sight: risk mitigation by a cryptic carnivore foraging at the urban edge. Animal Conservation. Early view. https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12732
KJ Stratford, AS Guerier, SJ Crawford, SMC Stratford, A Schmidt-Kuntzel, JM Bishop (2021) Female southern white rhinoceros can select mates to avoid inbreeding. J Heredity. 112:4, 385–390. https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esab028
S Viljoen, MJ O’Riain, M Drouilly, I Vorster, JM Bishop (2021) Black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas) from semi-arid rangelands in South Africa harbour Hepatozoon canis and a Theileria species but apparently not Babesia rossi. Veterinary Parasitology: Regional Studies and Reports. Vol. 24, 100559. doi.org/10.1016/j.vprsr.2021.100559
VN Naude GA Balme, MT Rogan, MD Needham, G Whittington-Jones, T Dickerson, X Mabaso, N Nattrass, JM Bishop, LTB Hunter, MJ O’Riain (2020) Longitudinal assessment of illegal leopard skin use in ceremonial regalia and acceptance of faux alternatives amongst followers of the Shembe Church, South Africa. Conservation Science and Practice. 2(11): e289. doi:10.1111/csp2.289
VN Naude, GA Balme, J O'Riain, LTB Hunter, J Fattebert, T Dickerson, JM Bishop (2020) Unsustainable anthropogenic mortality disrupts natal dispersal and promotes inbreeding in leopards. Ecology and Evolution. 10(8), 3605-3619. doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6089
GRM Leighton, JM Bishop, MJ O’Riain, J Broadfield, J Meröndun, G Avery, Margaret Avery, LEK Serieys (2020) An integrated dietary assessment increases feeding event detection in an urban carnivore. Urban Ecosystems. 1-15. doi.org/10.1007/s11252-020-00946-y
S Viljoen, MJ O’Riain, BL Penzhorn, M Drouilly, LEK Serieys, B Cristescu, KJ Teichman, JM Bishop (2020) Molecular detection of tick-borne pathogens in caracals (Caracal caracal) living in human-modified landscapes of South Africa. Parasites & Vectors. 13, 1-16. doi.org/10.1186/s13071-020-04075-5
LEK Serieys, K Hammond-Aryee, JM Bishop, J Broadfield, MJ O'Riain, PD van Helden (2019) High Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in an Urban Caracal (Caracal caracal) Population in South Africa Journal of Wildlife Diseases. 55 (4), 951-953. doi.org/10.7589/2018-09-229.
LEK Serieys, JM Bishop, N Okes, J Broadfield, DJ Winterton, RH Poppenga, S Viljoen, RK Wayne, MJ O'Riain (2019) Widespread anticoagulant poison exposure in predators in a rapidly growing South African city. Science of the Total Environment. 666, 581-590. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.122
B Jansen van Vuuren, J Visser, JM Bishop, D Dalton, T Masehela, S von der Heyden, A Kotze, K Labuschagne, M Mwale, J Selier, E Suleman, KA Tolley (2019) ‘Chapter 2: Risks and impacts to genetic diversity, pressure and benefits’, in National Biodiversity Assessment 2018 Technical Report Volume 7: Genetic Diversity. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12143/6376
J da Silva, JM Bishop, M du Plessis, S von der Heyden (2019) ‘Chapter 3: Monitoring trends in genetic diversity for priority taxa in South Africa’, National Biodiversity Assessment 2018 Technical Report Volume 7: Genetic Diversity. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12143/6376
DM Stevens, JM Bishop, MD Picker. Phylogenetic analysis reveals high local endemism and clear biogeographic breaks in southern African stoneflies (Notonemouridae, Plecoptera). (2018) Zootaxa. 4483 (3), 428. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.4483.3.2.
SK Meier, N Adams, M Wolf, K Balkwill, AM Muasya, CA Gehring, JM Bishop, RA Ingle (2018) Comparative RNA-seq analysis of nickel hyperaccumulating and non-accumulating populations of Senecio coronatus (Asteraceae). The Plant Journal. 95 (6), 1023-1038. doi:10.1111/tpj.14008
G Tate, JM Bishop, A Amar (2016) Differential foraging success across a light level spectrum explains the maintenance and spatial structure of colour morphs in a polymorphic bird. Ecology Letters. 19:679-686. doi:10.1111/ele.12606
N Nesi, DS Jacobs, K Feldheim, JM Bishop (2015) Development and characterization of 10 microsatellite markers in the Cape horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus capensis (Chiroptera, Rhinolophidae) and cross-amplification in southern African Rhinolophus species. BMC Research Notes, 8:477. doi:10.1186/s13104-015-1465-5.
D Wright, JM Bishop, CA Matthee, S von der Heyden (2015). Genetic isolation by distance reveals restricted dispersal across a range of life-histories: implications for biodiversity conservation planning across highly variable marine environments. Diversity & Distributions. 21(6):698-710.
R Sithaldeen, RR Ackermann, JM Bishop (2015). Pleistocene aridification cycles shaped the contemporary genetic architecture of southern African baboons. PLoSONE. 10(5) :e0123207.
S Stathopoulos, JM Bishop, C O’Ryan (2014) Genetic signatures for enhanced olfaction in the African mole-rats. PLoSONE. 9(4): e93336.
FPD Cotterill, PJ Taylor, S Gippoliti, JM Bishop, CP Groves (2014) Why one century of phenetics is enough. Systematic Biology. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syu003.
LJ Odendaal, DS Jacobs, JM Bishop (2014) Sensory trait variation in an echolocating bat suggests roles for both selection and plasticity. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 14:60. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-14-60.
EM Katz, KS Tolley, JM Bishop (2014) Temporal changes in allelic variation among Cape Dwarf Chameleons inhabiting a transformed, semi-urban wetland. African Journal of Herpetology. 63, 1-12.
DS Jacobs, H Babiker, A Bastian, T Kearney, R van Eeden, JM Bishop (2013) Phenotypic convergence in genetically distinct lineages in a species complex of Rhinolophus bats. PLoSONE. 8(12): e82614.
A Guerier, JM Bishop, SM Crawford, A Schmidt-Kuntzel & KS Stratford (2012) Parentage analysis in a free-ranging population of southern white rhinoceros: genetic diversity, pedigrees, and management. Conservation Genetics. 13, 811-822.
RR Ackermann & JM Bishop (2010) Morphological and molecular evidence reveals recent hybridization between gorilla taxa. Evolution. 64, 271-290.
R Sithaldeen, JM Bishop & RR Ackermann (2009) Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals Plio-Pleistocene diversification within the chacma baboon. Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution. 53, 1042–1048.
JM Bishop, AJ Leslie, A Bourquin, C O’Ryan. (2009) Reduced effective population size in an overexploited population of the Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus. Biological Conservation. 142, 2335-2341.
JM Bishop, C O’Ryan, JUM Jarvis (2007) Social common mole-rats enhance outbreeding by extra-pair mating. Royal Society Biology Letters. 3, 176–179.
TM Burland, JM Bishop, C O’Ryan, CG Faulkes (2005) Microsatellite primers for the African mole-rat genus Cryptomys and cross-species amplification within the family Bathyergidae. Molecular Ecology Resources. 1, 311-314.
JM Bishop, C O’Ryan, AC Spinks, NC Bennett, JUM Jarvis (2004) Molecular insight into patterns of colony composition and paternity in the common mole-rat Cryptomys hottentotus. Molecular Ecology. 13, 1217-1229.
Current Postdoctoral Fellows & Postgraduate Students
Dr Susan Miller - Genetic connectivity and predictors of avian malaria in Fynbos endemic bird species
Dr Laurel Serieys - Spatial ecology, health, and genetic structure of Cape Town’s caracal population
Gabriella Leighton (PhD) Dietary analysis of urban associated caracal using traditional and new methods to assess exposure risk to environmental toxicants. Supervisors: JM Bishop, LEK Serieys, MJ O’Riain
Campbell Fleming (MSc) Genetic connectivity in Fynbos endemic birds. Supervisors: JM Bishop, P Ryan
Tom Thacker (MSc) Defining conservation units in southern Africa’s leopards. Supervisor: JM Bishop
Graduated Students
Vincent Naude PhD (2020) Forensic assessment of illegal trade in leopard skins in southern Africa. Supervisors: JM Bishop, G Balme, MJ O’Riain
Gareth Tate PhD (2016) Plumage polymorphisms and fitness in a founder population of black sparrowhawks. Supervisors: A Amar, JM Bishop
Lizelle Odendaal PhD (2015) The evolution of echolocation variation in the Cape horseshoe bat Rhinolophus capensis. Supervisors: DS Jacobs, JM Bishop
Lisa Nupen PhD (2014) A conservation genetic study of threatened endemic southern African seabirds. Supervisors: JM Bishop, PJ Ryan
Sofia Stathopoulos PhD (2012) The role of selection in the evolution of olfactory receptors in the African mole-rats (Bathyergidae). Supervisors: C O’Ryan, JM Bishop
Riashna Sithaldeen PhD (2011) The phylogenetic and phylogeographic history of the chacma baboon Papio ursinus in southern Africa. Supervisors: RR Ackermann, JM Bishop
Duncan Stevens PhD (2009) Systematics of the Notonemouridae (Plecoptera) of Southern Africa. Supervisors: M Picker, JM Bishop
Natalie Coutts PhD (2009) Investigating genetic diversity at neutral and adaptive DNA markers in the severely bottlenecked southern white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum. Supervisors: C O’Ryan, JM Bishop
Storme Viljoen MSc (2017) Health status and epidemiology of caracal and jackal in the Karoo, South Africa. Supervisors: JM Bishop, MJ O’Riain
Alicia Ly MSc (2017) Tick-borne pathogens and adaptive genetic variation in urban caracals. Supervisor: JM Bishop
Liezl le Roux MSc (2015) Immune gene variation and individual pathogen loads in black sparrowhawks. Supervisors: JM Bishop
Michael Wolf MSc (2014) Characterization of the instraspecific variation within nickel (Ni) hyperaccumulator species Senecio coronatus (Asteraceae): A preliminary analysis of genetic population structure and shoot proteome expression. Supervisors: R Ingle, JM Bishop, M Muasya
Eric Katz MSc (2012) Population demographics and population genetics of the Cape dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum. Supervisors: KS Tolley (SANBI), JM Bishop
Stephen Doucette-Riise MSc (2012) Landscape genetics and habitat use of the highly endangered Western Leopard Toad in a rural setting. Supervisors: J Measey (Stellenbosch University), JM Bishop
Jenneca McCarter MSc (2012) MHC variation and pathogen history in Cape Peninsula chacma baboons. Supervisor: JM Bishop
Daniel Wright MSc (2012) Genetic variation, genetic connectivity and the distribution of Marine Protected Areas in South Africa. Supervisors: JM Bishop, S von der Heyden (Stellenbosch University)
Alexander Menayas MSc (2009) Do requiem and hammerhead sharks off the coast of South Africa exhibit multiple paternity? A study using cross-species microsatellites. Supervisors: JM Bishop, C O’Ryan