Professor Steven L. Richardson, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, Architecture and Computer Sciences, Howard University, Washington D.C., gave a Departmental Seminar on 7 September 2015 titled” “Diamondoids are Forever: New Molecular Building Blocks for Nanoscience”.
Dr Paolo Vicini Research Fellow in the Pharmacokinetics, Dynamics and Metabolism Department
Pfizer Worldwide Research and Development, San Diego, California. Dr Vicini gave a collaborative Departmental lecture, titled: “Describing, Interpreting and Predicting Biology: The Evolving Role of Modeling and Simulation in Translational Research” on Thursday, 17 July 2014. For further information relating to Dr Vicini’s Lecture please click here. (to request the login send mail).
Professor Graham Richards, Inibox Ltd., Oxford Centre for Innovation, New Road, Oxford, UK, visited SCRU on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 where he gave a Departmental Lecture, titled: “Computer-aided drug discovery“.
Dr Dave Robinson Theme Leader, Advanced Processing Technologies, Minerals Down Under National Research Flagship, CSIRO Process Science and Engineering. Dr Robinson visited SCRU on Monday, 21 January 2013.
A/Professor Manuel Ujaldon Nvidia CUDA Fellow and Associate Professor at the University of Malaga (Spain) and the University of New Castle (Australia)Visited SCRU on 31 January and 1 February. On the 31st of January, Professor Ujaldon gave two SCRU group Seminars to postgraduate students from SCRU, Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, this was followed in the afternoon by a Departmental Seminar titled ‘Approaches to GPU Computing’. On Friday, 1 February, Professor Ujaldon gave a Seminar at the Centre for High Performance Computing (CHPC) this seminar was titled: ‘GPUs in the top500.org and future Nvidia developments for supercomputing’.

Professor Branco Borstnik from the National Institute of Chemistry, Hajdrihova ,Slovenia visited SCRU in February 2011.
Professor Kunle Olukotun, Director of Pervasive Parallellism Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Stanford University, USA, met with Professor Naidoo on Wednesday, 23 March 2011, as part of a week-long visit with the Department of Science and Technology and the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Cape Town.
The Scientific Computing Research Unit (SCRU) hosted Professor Wilfred van Gunsteren as a special visitor in June 2011. Professor van Gunsteren is considered the leading computational biophysics scientist in Europe. He is the director of Physical Chemistry and Professor of computer-aided chemistry (Informatikgestützte Chemie, igc) at ETH Zürich. Many biochemistry, chemistry and biophysics students have used the tools his laboratory created for example the bio modeling programme GROMOS. He is a member of several prominent editorial boards for example, J. Biomol. NMR, Angew. Chemie and Eur. Biophys. J.
Professor van Gunsteren presented a lecture on 14 June 2011 titled: “On interpreting experimental data on biomolecular systems using molecular simulation” .