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In: Sustainability of Southern African ecosystems under global change: Science for Management and Policy Interventions. Ecological Studies, 248. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-031-10947-8

  • Zorita E, Hünicke B, Tim N, Rouault M. (2024). Past climate variability in the last millennium.  (Ch 5, p.133-147)
  • Rouault M, Dieppois B, Tim N, Hünicke B, Zorita E. (2024). Southern Africa climate over the recent decades: Description, variability and trends. (Ch 6, p.149-168)
  • Biastoch A, Rühs S, Ivanciu I, Schwarzkopf F, Veitch J, Reason CJC, Zorita E, Tim N, Hünicke B, Vafeidis A, Santamaria S, Kupfer S, Soltau F. (2024). The Agulhas Current System as an important driver for oceanic and terrestrial climate. (Ch 8, p.191-220)
  • Brandt P, Bordbar MH, Coelho P, Koungue RA, Körner M, Lamont T, Lübbecke JF, Mohrholz V, Prigent A, Roch M, Schmidt M, Van der Plas AK, Veich J. (2024). Physical drivers of Southwest African coastal upwelling and its response to climate variability and change. (Ch 9, p. 221-257)
  • Martin B, Auel H, Bode-Dalby M, Dudeck T, Duncan S, Ekau W, Fock HO, Hagen W, Heinatz K, Kaufmann MJ, Koppelmann R, Lamont T, Louw Deon, Moloto Tebatso, Sell AF, Thomalla S, Van der Lingen CD. (2024). Studies of the Ecology of the Benguela Current Upwelling System: The TRAFFIC Approach. (Ch 11, p. 277-312) 
  • Rixen T, Lahajnar N, Lamont T, Koppelmann R, Martin B, Meiritz L, Siddiqui C, Van der Plas AK, (2024). The marine carbon footprint: Challenges in the quantification of the CO2 uptake by the biological carbon pump in the Benguela Upwelling System. (Ch 25, p. 729-757)