MARiS – Marine and Antarctic Research Centre for Innovation and Sustainability is the new dedicated centre for interdisciplinary marine research - formerly the Marine Research Institute MA-Re

Nansen-Tutu Centre for Marine Environmental Research. The University of Cape Town, The Nansen Environmental Centre in Norway and their partners are a joint venture in South Africa to gather information about the three Oceans around southern Africa and to better understand global change across the continent.
The vision of the Nansen-Tutu Centre (NTC) is to serve Africa through advancing knowledge of the marine environment and climate systems in different parts of the world.

SANCOR South African Network for Coastal and Oceanic Research is an organization established to create a forum for interaction, collaboration and communication about marine science in the marine and coastal environment. see brochure. The seminars and webinars hosted by SANCOR are held in collaboration with the Dept. of Oceanography.

ICEMASA International Centre for Education, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences over Africa was formerly a joint South African and French initiative that involved several institutions, focusing on the marine environment (marine ecosystems, resources management, physical oceanography, ocean-atmosphere exchanges, biogeochemistry) of Southern Africa and the Southern Ocean - term ended. Partners: Dept. of Oceanography (UCT), Dept. of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries (RSA), Dept. of Environmental Affairs (RSA), Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (France), IRD (France), CNRS (France)