AI news

Article and podcast on AI.

Shuttleworth Postgraduate Scholarship

The Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Cape Town is a large and dynamic department with research taking place in a wide range of directions: (non-associative) algebra, category theory, computational fluid

Off to Madrid

Off to Madrid! Congratulations to PhD students Sulona Kandhai and Miguel Alfonzo Méndez together with Masters students Mariam Campbell and Juhi Hurgobin who will spend the next 5 months at the Autonomous University of Madrid, funded by the Erasm

Taking the shock out of teaching maths

2016 was a great year for teaching at UCT, at least if you go by the number of people that won a Distinguished Teacher Award (DTA). Dr Jonathan Shock, who convenes a dreaded first-year mathematics course, was one of six award

Why some people hate pi day

14 March is celebrated by some as the most exciting day in mathematics — when the date lines up in the numbers