MCB Research Day

Research Day in MCB was held on Thursday, 29 August 2019.
The talks given and posters displayed showcased the varied science being done in the department, as well as giving the department a chance to share ideas and opinions. Proceedings were organized by the MCB Postgraduate Research Council under the chairmanship of Llewelyn van der Pas.
At the end of the day, prizes were awarded to the best presentations and posters and the winners of the writing competition were announced.
Oral presentations

Clockwise from top left: Daniel Watson (Actinomycete and Antibiotic Research Unit) - first place; Dr Mariam Awlia (Plant Stress Lab) - second place; Jennifer Wayland (Biopharming Research Unit)- third place; Paulina Naupu (Biopharming Research Unit) - people's choice.
Poster presentations

From left to right: Reeva Steenkamp (Inqaba Biotec) and Abby Gwyn - first place for poster presentation; Jess Bourne and Carole Capitaine - joint second place for poster presentation; Dylan Postmus and Kirsten Bloomer - first and second respectively for long form writing; Jasmin Knopp (PRC) and Johanne Marais - second place for short form writing; Kauthur Behardien - first place for short form writing - not pictured.
Thanks to all the judges: Aleyo, Alexis, Alta, Ann, Bronwyn, Cassandra, Colleen, Keren, Lara, Mariam, Megan, Monique, Rob, Shakiera, Sue, and Thomas as well as our sponsors without whose support research day would not be possible.
Lastly, the department thanks Llewelyn and all the members of the PRC for their hard work in the days leading up to Research Day.