PCU Team Attend Introduction to Statistical Modelling and Data Analysis Short Course

01 Aug 2018
01 Aug 2018

Recently, Plant Conservation Unit PhD Candidate, Cherié Forbes, together with A/Prof Lindsey Gillson attended an ‘Introduction to statistical modelling and data analysis’ short course from 18-20 July 2018 at the University of Cape Town (UCT). The course was run by the Centre for Statistics in Ecology, Environment and Conservation (SEEC) group based at UCT in partnership with the Applied Centre for Climate and Earth System Science (ACCESS). Cherié's participation in the course was co-funded by ACCESS.

The aim of the short course was to give researchers a refresher on some basic statistical data analysis and experimental design, using the R programme, to ultimately generate ecological models. Many of the participants had hardly used R before so it was a great crash course for them. Over the three days, participants attended nine lectures and between each lecture was a ‘practical assignment’, which they had to complete using R. The topics covered by the course included linear regression, multiple regression, generalized linear models, experimental design, logistic regression and poisson regression. The use of blended learning and extensive online supporting material allowed participants the opportunity to continue working on assignments and receiving feedback after the course had finished. 

This interesting and important course lays foundation to equip research students and scientists with practical experience in using R for data analysis and modelling. The course hopes to run again in 2019. For more information, please contact Dr Neville Sweijd (nsweijd@access.ac.za) or A/Prof Res Altwegg (Res.Altwegg@uct.ac.za).

~ Information supplied by Kirsten Packer (DST-NRF Intern at SEEC), Cherié Forbes & Lindsey Gillson