Modern pollen rain reveals differences across forests, open and mosaic landscapes in Madagascar

A new article written by Dr Tsilavo Razafimanantsoa and Dr Estelle Razanatsoa titled ‘Modern pollen rain reveals differences across forests, open and mosaic landscapes in Madagascar’ was published online on 7 February 2024 in the Plants, People, Planet Journal which is open access. The full article is available here
Societal Impact Statement
Palaeoecological investigations are crucial in understanding millennial to centennial land use and land cover change. By analysing the modern pollen rain from four main vegetation types across Madagascar, this research provides baselines for improving the interpretation of pollen records in palaeoecological studies. This study determines the modern pollen-vegetation relationship in Madagascar and gives a better understanding of the island's landscapes. Despite some spatial limitations, this approach contributes to resolving the debated topic related to the origin of Madagascar's open ecosystems. Knowing the vegetation history prior to and after human settlement would help guide biodiversity management and its associated ecosystem services.