Scientific books

  1. Cowling, R.M. (ed) (1992). The Ecology of Fynbos: Nutrients, Fire, and Diversity. Oxford University Press, Cape Town.
  2. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M. & Pierce, S.M. (eds) (1997). Vegetation of Southern Africa. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  3. Davis, G.D. & Richardson, D.M. (eds) (1995). Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: Functions of Biodiversity. Ecological Studies 109. Springer-Verlag, Berlin
  4. Richardson, D.M. (ed)(1998). Ecology and Biogeography of Pinus. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  5. Van Wilgen, B.W., Richardson, D.M., Kruger, F.J. & van Hensbergen, H.J. (eds) (1992). Fire in South African mountain fynbos. Ecological Studies 93. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Popular books

  1. Cowling, R.M. & Richardson, D.M. (1995). Fynbos: South Africa's Unique Floral Kingdom Fernwood Press, Cape Town.

Papers in refereed scientific journals

  1. Chapin, F.S., Sala, O.E., Burke, I.C., Grime, J.P., Hooper, D.U., Lauenroth, W.K., Lombard, A., Mooney, H.A., Mosier, A.R., Naeem, S., Pacala, S.W., Roy, J., Steffen, W.L. and Tilman, D. (1998). Ecosystem consequences of changing biodiversity. Experimental evidence and a research agenda for the future. BioScience 48: 45-52.
  2. Cowling, R.M., Esler, K.J., Midgley, G.F. & Honig, M.A. (1994). Plant functional diversity, species diversity and climate in arid and semi-arid southern Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 27: 141-58.
  3. Cowling, R.M. & Holmes, P.M. (1992). Endemism and speciation in a lowland flora from the Cape Floristic Region. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 47: 367-383. 
  4. Cowling, R.M., Kirkwood, D., Midgley, J.J. & Pierce, S.M. (1997). Invasion and persistence of bird-dispersed, subtropical thicket and forest species in fire-prone fynbos. Journal of Vegetation Science 8: 475-488.
  5. Cowling, R.M. & Midgley, J.J. (1996). The influence of regional phenomena on an emerging global ecology. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 5: 63-65.
  6. Cowling, R.M., Mustart, P.J., Laurie, H. & Richards, M.B. (1994). Species diversity; functional diversity and functional redundancy in fynbos communities. South African Journal of Science 90: 333-337.
  7. Cowling, R.M., Rundel, P.W., Desmet, P.G. and Esler, K.J. (1998). Extraordinarily high regional-scale plant diversity in southern African arid lands: subcontinental and global comparisons. Diversity and Distributions 4: 27-36.
  8. Cowling, R.M., Rundel, P.W., Lamont, B.B., Arroyo, M.K. & Arianoutsou, M. (1996). Plant diversity in mediterranean-climate region. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11: 362-368.
  9. Cowling, R.M. & Witkowski, E.T.F. (1994). Convergence and non-convergence in climatically and edaphically matched sites in mediterranean Australia and South Africa. Australian Journal of Ecology 19: 220-232.
  10. Cowling, R.M., Witkowski E.T.F., Milewski, A.V. & Newbey, K.R. (1994). Taxonomic, edaphic and biological aspects of narrow plant endemism on matched sites in Mediterranean South Africa and Australia. Journal of Biogeography 21: 651-664.
  11. Esler, K.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1993). Edaphic factors and competition as determinants of pattern in South African karoo vegetation. South African Journal of Botany 59: 287-295.
  12. Esler, K.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1995). The comparison of selected life history characteristics of Mesembryanthema species occurring on and off mima-like mounds (heuweltjies) in semi- arid South Africa. Vegetatio, 116: 41-50.
  13. Esler, K.J., Cowling, R.M. & Ivey, P. (1992). Seed biology of three species of Mesembryanthema in the southern Succulent Karoo. South African Journal of Botany 58: 343-8.
  14. Esler, K.J. & Phillips, N. (1994). Experimental effects of water stress on semi-arid karoo seedlings: implications for field seedling survivorship. Journal of Arid Environments 26: 325-337.
  15. Desmet, P.G., Shackleton, C.M. & Robinson, E.R. (1996). The population dynamics and life history attributes of aPterocarpus angolensis population in the Northern Province, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany (in press).
  16. Dyer, C. and Richardson, D.M. (1992). Population genetics of the invasive Australian shrub Hakea sericea (Proteaceae) in South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 58: 117-24.
  17. Higgins, S.I. & Richardson, D.M. (1996). A review of models of alien plant spread Ecological Modelling 87: 249-265.
  18. Higgins, S.I. & Richardson, D.M. (1998). Pine invasions in the southern hemisphere: modelling interactions between organism, environment and disturbance. Plant Ecology 135: 79-93.
  19. Higgins, S.I., Richardson, D.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1996). The role of plant-environment interactions and model structure on the predicted rate and pattern of invasive plant spread. Ecology 77: 2043-2054.
  20. Hoffman, M.T., Midgley, G.F. & Cowling, R.M. (1994). Plant richness is negatively related to energy availability in semi-arid southern Africa. Biodiversity Letters 2: 35-38.
  21. Holmes, P.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1993). Effects of shade on seedling growth, morphology and leaf photosynthesis in six subtropical thicket species from the eastern Cape, South Africa. Forest Ecology and Management 61: 199-220.
  22. Holmes, P.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1997). Diversity, composition and guild structure relationships between soil-stored seed banks and mature vegetation in alien plant-invaded South African fynbos shrublands. Plant Ecology 133: 107-122.
  23. Honig, M.A., Cowling, R.M. & Richardson, D.M. (1992). The invasive potential of Australian banksias in South African fynbos: A comparison of the reproductive potential of Banksia ericifolia and Leucadendron laureolum. Australian Journal of Ecology 17: 305-314.
  24. Kilian, D. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). Comparative seed biology and coexistence of two fynbos shrub species with soil-stored seed banks. Journal of Vegetation Science 3: 637-646.
  25. Laurie, H. & Cowling, R.M. (1994). Lottery coexistence models extended to plants with disjoint generations. Journal of Vegetation Science 5: 161-168.
  26. Laurie, H. & Mustart, P.J. (1992). LDNS (Lineal Data, Nested Scales): A self-scaling method for detecting pattern in vegetation. South African Journal of Botany 58: 537-539.
  27. Le Maitre, D.C., van Wilgen, B.W. & Richardson, D.M. (1993). A computer system for catchment management: Background, concepts and development. Journal of Environmental Management 39: 121-142.
  28. Lombard, A.T., Cowling, R.M., Pressey, R.L. & Mustart, P.J. (1997). Reserve selection in a species-rich and fragmented landscape on the Agulhas Plain, South Africa.Conservation Biology 11: 1101-1116.
  29. Manders, P.T. & Richardson, D.M. (1992). Colonization of Cape fynbos communities by forest species. Forest Ecology and Management 48: 277-93.
  30. McDonald, D.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1994). Towards a profile of an endemic mountain fynbos flora: implications for conservation. Biological Conservation 72: 1-12.
  31. McDowell, C.R. & Moll, E.J. (1992). The influence of agriculture on the decline of the West Coast Renosterveld, South-Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management 35: 173-92.
  32. Midgley, J.J., Cowling, R.M., Hendricks, H, Desmet, P.G., Esler, K.J. and Rundel, P. (1997). Population ecology of tree succulents (Aloe and Pachypodium) in the arid northern Cape; decline of a keystone species.Biodiversity and Conservation 6: 869-876.
  33. Moolman, J. & Cowling, R.M. (1994). The impact of elephant and goat grazing on the endemic flora of South African succulent thicket. Biological Conservation 68: 53-61.
  34. Mustart, P.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1993). Effects of soil and seed characteristics on seed germination and their possible roles in determining field emergence patterns of four Agulhas Plain (South Africa) Proteaceae. Canadian Journal of Botany 71: 1363 - 1368.
  35. Mustart, P.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1993). The role of regeneration stages in the distribution of edaphically restricted fynbos Proteaceae. Ecology 74: 1490 - 1499.
  36. Mustart, P.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). The impact of flower and cone harvesting on the seed banks and seed set of serotinous Cape Proteaceae. South African Journal of Botany 58: 337-342.
  37. Mustart, P.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). Seed size: phylogeny and adaptation in two closely related Proteaceae species-pairs. Oecologia 91: 292-5.
  38. Mustart, P.J., Cowling, R.M. & Dunne, T.T. (1994). Reproductive strategies of two closely related species pairs on adjacent, different soil types in South African fynbos. Vegetatio 111: 161-171.
  39. Mustart, P.J., Cowling, R.M. & Wright, M.G. (1995). Clustering of fertile seeds in infructescences of serotinous Protea species: an anti-predation mechanism? African Journal of Ecology 33 (in press).
  40. Mustart, P.J., Juritz, J., Makua, C., Van der Merwe, S. & Wessels, N. (1995). Restoration of the Clanwilliam cedar Widdringtonia cedarbergensis: The importance of monitoring seedlings planted in the Cederberg, South Africa. Biological Conservation 72: 73-76.
  41. Mustart, P.J., Moll, E.J. & Taylor, H.C. (1993). The efficient use of small plots in a fynbos phytosociological study in the northern Cederberg: a quick way to collect plant-environmental data. Bothalia 23: 265 - 269.
  42. Ojeda, F. (1998). Biogeography of seeder and resprouterErica species in the Cape Floristic Region - Where are the resprouters? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 63: 331-347.
  43. Ojeda, F., Maranon, T. & Arroyo, J. (1996). Patterns of ecological, chorological and taxonomic diversity at both sides of the Strait of Gibraltar. Journal of Vegetation Science (in press).
  44. Palmer, A.R. & Cowling, R.M. (1994). An investigation of topo-moisture gradients in the eastern karoo, South Africa, and the identification of factors responsible for species turnover. Journal of Arid Environments 26: 135-147.
  45. Pierce, S. M., Esler, K.J. & Cowling R.M. (1995). Smoke-induced germination of succulents (Mesembryanthemaceae) from fire-prone and fire-free habitats in South Africa.Oecologia 102: 520-522.
  46. Rejmanek, M. & Richardson, D.M. (1995). What attributes make some plant species more invasive? Ecology 77: 1655-1661.
  47. Richards, M.B., Stock, W.D. & Cowling, R.M. (1995). Water relations of seedlings and adults of two fynbos Protea species in relation to their distribution patterns. Functional Ecology 9: 575-583.
  48. Richardson, D.M., Cowling, R.M. & Lamont, B.B. (1996). Non-linearities, synergisms and plant extinctions in South African fynbos and Australian kwongan. Biodiversity and Conservation 5: 1035-1046.
  49. Richards, M.B., Cowling, R.M. & Stock, W.D. (1995). Fynbos plant communities and vegetation-environment relationships in the Soetanysberg hills, Western Cape.South African Journal of Botany 61: 298-305.
  50. Richardson, D.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1995). The ecology of invasive alien pines (Pinus spp.) in the Jonkershoek Valley, Stellenbosch, South Africa. Bontebok.
  51. Richardson, D.M., Cowling, R.M., Lamont, B.B. & van Hensbergen, H.J. (1995). Coexistence of Banksia species (Proteaceae) in south-western Australia: the role of local and regional processes. Journal of Vegetation Science 6: 329-342.
  52. Richardson, D.M. & Fraser, M.W. (1995). Birds of Swartboskloof, Jonkershoek Valley, Stellenbosch: A Mountain Fynbos Habitat. Southern Birds 18: 1-44.
  53. Richardson, D.M. & McMahon, J.P. (1992). A bioclimatic analysis of Eucalyptus nitens to identify potential planting regions in southern Africa. South African Journal of Science 86: 380-387.
  54. Richardson. D.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1993). Biodiversity and ecosystem processes: Opportunities in mediterranean-type ecosystems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 79-81.
  55. Richardson, D.M., van Wilgen, B.W., Le Maitre, D.C. Higgins, K.B. & Forsyth, G.G. (1994). A computer-based system for fire management in the mountains of the Cape Province, South Africa. International Journal of Wildland Fire 4: 17-32.
  56. Richardson, D.M., Williams, P.A. & Hobbs, R.J. (1994). Pine invasions in the Southern Hemisphere: determinants of spread and invadability. Journal of Biogeography 21: 511- 527.
  57. Rundel, P.W., Cowling, R.M., Esler, K.J., Mustart, P.J., van Jaarsveld, E. & Bezuidenhout, H. (1995). Winter growth phenology and leaf orientation in Pachypodium namaquanum (Apocynaceae) in the succulent karoo of the Richtersveld, South Africa. Oecologia 101: 472-477.
  58. Tribe, G.D. & Richardson, D.M. (1994). The European wasp, Vespula germanica (Fabricus) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) in southern Africa, and its potential distribution in southern Africa as predicted by ecoclimatic matching. African Entomology 2: 1-6.
  59. Tucker, K. & Richardson, D.M. (1995). An Expert System for Screening Potentially Invasive Alien Plants in Fynbos. Journal of Environmental Management 44.
  60. Van Wilgen, B.W., Richardson, D.M. & Seydack, A.H.W. (1994). Managing fynbos for biodiversity: constraints and options in a fire-prone environment. South African Journal of Science 90: 322-329.

Refereed chapters in books
[no reprints available]

  1. Barbéro, M., Loisel, R., Quézel, P., Richardson, D.M., Romane, F. (1998). Pines of the Mediterranean Basin. In: Richardson, D.M. (ed.), Ecology and biogeography of Pinus, pp. 153-170. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  2. Bond, W.J., Cowling, R.M. & Richards, M. (1992). Competition and coexistence. In: Cowling R.M. (ed), The ecology of fynbos: Nutrients, fire and diversity. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp. 206-225.
  3. Cowling, R.M. (1998). Chaparral shrublands. In: Calow, P. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management, p. 122. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
  4. Cowling, R.M. (1998). Mediterranean climate regions - conservation. In: Calow, P. (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Ecology and Environmental Management, pp. 433-434. Blackwell Science, Oxford.
  5. Cowling, R.M. & Hilton-Taylor, C. (1994). Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in southern Africa: an overview. In: Huntley, B.J. (ed), Botanical Diversity in Southern Africa, pp. 31-52, National Botanical Institute, Pretoria.
  6. Cowling, R.M. & Hilton-Taylor, C. (1997). Phytogeography, flora and endemism. In: Vegetation of Southern Africa, eds. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M. & Pierce, S.M. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  7. Cowling, R.M. & Holmes P.M. (1992). Flora and vegetation. In: Cowling R.M. (ed), The ecology of fynbos: Nutrients, fire and diversity. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp. 23-61.
  8. Cowling, R.M., Holmes, P.M. & Rebelo, A.G. (1992). Plant diversity and endemism. In: Cowling R.M. (ed), The ecology of fynbos: Nutrients, fire and diversity. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp. 62-110.
  9. Cowling, R.M. & Olivier, N.J.J. (1992). Indigenous plants. In: Fuggle R.F. and Rabie M.A. (eds), Environmental management in South Africa. Juta, Cape Town, pp. 212-249.
  10. Cowling, R.M., Pierce, S.M., Stock, W.D. & Cocks, M. (1994). Why are there so many myrmecochorous species in Cape fynbos? In: Arianoutsou, M. & Groves, R.H. (eds),Plant-animal interactions in mediterranean-type ecosystems, pp 159-168, Kluwer, Dordrecht.
  11. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M. & Mustart, P.J. (1997). Fynbos. In: Vegetation of Southern Africa, eds. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M. & Pierce, S.M. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  12. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M., Schulze, R.E., Hoffman, M.T., Midgley, J.J. & Hilton-Taylor, C. (1997). Species diversity at the regional scale. In: Vegetation of Southern Africa, eds. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M. & Pierce, S.M. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  13. Davis, G.D., Richardson, D.M., Keeley, J.E. & Hobbs, R.J. (1996). Mediterranean-type ecosystems: The influence of biodiversity on their functioning. In: Mooney, H.A., Cushman, J.H., Medina, E., Sala, O.E. & Schulze, E-D. (eds), Functional Roles of Biodiversity: Global Perspectives, Wiley, Chichester.
  14. Hobbs, R.J., Richardson, D.M. & Davis, G.W. (1995). Mediterranean-type ecosystems: Advantages and constraints for studying the function of biodiversity. In: Davis, G.D. & Richardson, D.M. (eds), Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: Functions of Biodiversity, pp. 1-42, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  15. Linder, H.P., Meadows, M.E. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). History of the Cape flora. In: Cowling, R.M. (ed) The ecology of fynbos: Nutrients fire, and diversity. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp. 113-134.
  16. Manders, P.T., Richardson, D.M. & Masson, P.H. (1992). Is fynbos a stage in succession to forest? Analysis of the perceived ecological distinction between two communities. In: Van Wilgen, B.W., Richardson, D.M., Kruger, F.J. & van Hensbergen, H.J. (eds), Fire in South African mountain fynbos, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 81-107.
  17. Midgley, J.J., Cowling, R.M., Seydack, A.H.W. & van Wyk, G.F. (1997). Forest. In: Vegetation of Southern Africa, eds. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M. & Pierce, S.M. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  18. Perry, J.P., Graham, A. & Richardson, D.M. (1998). The history of pines in Mexico and Central America: In: Richardson, D.M. (ed.), Ecology and biogeography of Pinus, pp. 137-149. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  19. Richardson, D.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). Why is a mountain fynbos invasible and which species invade? In: Van Wilgen, B.W., Richardson, D M., Kruger, F.J. & Van Hensbergen, H.J. (eds), Fire in South African mountain fynbos, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 161-181.
  20. Richardson, D.M. (1998). Forestry trees as invasive aliens. Conservation Biology 12: 18-26.
  21. Richardson, D.M. Cowling, R.M., Bond, W.J., Stock, W.D. & Davis G.W. (1995). Links between biodiversity and ecosystem function in the Cape Floristic Region. In: Davis, G.D. & Richardson, D.M. (eds), Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems: Functions of Biodiversity, pp. 285-333, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  22. Richardson, D.M. & Higgins, S.I. (1998). Pines as invaders in the southern hemisphere. In: Richardson, D.M. (ed.), Ecology and biogeography of Pinus, pp. 450-473. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  23. Richardson, D.M., Macdonald, I.A.W., Hoffmann, J.H. & Henderson, L. (1997). Alien plant invasions. In: Vegetation of Southern Africa, eds. Cowling, R.M., Richardson, D.M. & Pierce, S.M. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  24. Richardson, D.M., Macdonald I.A.W., Holmes, P.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). Plant and animal invasions. In: Cowling, R.M. (ed), The ecology of fynbos: Nutrients, fire and diversity. Oxford University Press, Cape Town, pp. 271-308.
  25. Richardson, D.M. & Rundel, P.W. (1998). Ecology and biogeography of Pinus - An introduction. In: Richardson, D.M. (ed.), Ecology and biogeography of Pinus, pp. 3-46. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  26. Richardson, D.M. & van Wilgen, B.W. (1992). Ecosystem, community and species response to fire in mountain fynbos: Conclusions from Swartboskloof experiment. In: van Wilgen, B.W., Richardson, D.M., Kruger, F.J. and van Hensbergen, H.J. (eds), Fire in South African mountain fynbos, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 273-284.
  27. Smith, R.E., van Wilgen, B.W., Forsyth, G.G. & Richardson, D.M. (1992). Co-existence of seeders and sprouters: the role of ecophysiology and soil moisture. In: van Wilgen, B.W., Richardson, D.M., Kruger, F.J. & van Hensbergen, H.J. (eds), Fire in South African mountain fynbos, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 108-122.
  28. Versfeld, D.B., Richardson, D.M., van Wilgen, B.W., Chapman, R.A. and Forsyth, G.G. (1992). The climate of Swartboskloof. In: Van Wilgen, B.W., Richardson, D.M., Kruger, F.J., and van Hensbergen, H.J. (eds), Fire in South African mountain fynbos, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 21-36.

Popular articles

  1. Azorin, E.J. (1992). Acacias as a woodfuel resource. Informantics, June 1992: 12-15.
  2. Azorin, E.J. (1995). Invasive acacias in the south western Cape, South Africa: The firewood and charcoal industry plays a major role in conservation by significantly reducing annual wood biomass productivity.Aliens 2 (Newsletter of the Invasive Species Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission).
  3. Cowling, R.M. (1993). What is ecotourism and how does it benefit plant conservation? Veld & Flora 79: 3-5.
  4. Cowling, R.M. (1994). Fynbos in the Eastern Cape. Part 1. Pelea 13: 98-108.
  5. Esler, K.J. & Rundel, P.W. (1995). The tip of the iceberg: Mesembryanthemaceae in California. Veld & Flora. March 1995:12.
  6. Holmes, P.M. (1996). Alien clearing: Pandora's Box or Treasure Chest? Veld & Flora (in press).
  7. McDowell, C.R. & Oliver, E.G.H. (1992). Extinct erica rediscovered! African Wildlife 46: 133.
  8. McDowell, C.R. & Oliver, E.G.H. (1992). Will the rediscovered Erica alexandri be exterminated by pines? Veld & Flora 78: 88-89.
  9. Mustart. P.J. (1993). What is the Cederberg without the cedar? Veld & Flora 79: 114 - 117.
  10. Mustart, P.J. & Bond, W.J. (1994). The decline of the Clanwilliam cedar - natural or man-made?. Africa-Environment & Wildlife 2(3): 80-81.
  11. Mustart, P.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). Fynbos ecology for wildflower harvesters. Pamphlet distributed to participants of the workshop on the utilization of wildflowers in natural fynbos, March 1992.
  12. Mustart, P.J. & Cowling, R.M. (1992). Ekologie het die hulp van veldblomplukkers nodig. SAPPEX News 76.
  13. Mustart, P.J. (1992). How to safeguard your seed from predators: Proteas do it their way. Proteaceae Atlas Newsletter 15 and SAPPEX News 76.
  14. Mustart, P.J. (1993). The impact of wildflower harvesting on seed stores of Agulhas Plain Proteaceae.SAPPEX News 78.
  15. Richardson, D.M. (1992). Starlings. Why have they been so successful? African Wildlife 46: 207-210.
  16. Richardson, D.M. (1992). The eradication of plant invaders. Earthyear 3: 76-77.
  17. Richardson, D.M. (1994). The hakea saga: The continuing chronicle of an Australian invader at the Cape. Journal of the Mountain Club of South Africa 95.
  18. Richardson, D.M. (1995). Pine trees on the move down south. Aliens 2 (Newsletter of the Invasive Species Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission).
  19. Richardson, D.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1993). Fynbos - beautiful to behold, critical to conserve. Africa - Environment & Wildlife 1(3): 48-57.
  20. Richardson, D.M. & van Wilgen, B.W. (1992). Swartboskloof. A study of the effects of fire in mountain fynbos. African Wildlife 46: 160-164.
  21. Richardson, D.M., van Wilgen, B.W. & Le Maitre, D.C. (1992). Catchment management with GIS. Environmental Planning and Management 3(5): 4-13.
  22. Richardson, D.M. & Cowling, R.M. (1993). Managing biological invasions: Assessing the risk of new introductions - Spotlight on banksias. Veld & Flora 79: 24-25.
  23. Rundel, P.W., Cowling, R.M., Esler, K.J., Mustart, P.J., van Jaarsveld, E. & Bezuidenhout, H. (1994). Why the halfmens (Pachypodium namaquanum) leans to the north. Veld & Flora. December 1994: 106-107.