Timm Hoffman took rePhotoSA to the Buffelskloof Nature Reserve, 14-15 May 2016

18 May 2016
18 May 2016

The Mpumalanga Plant Specialist Group (PSG) held their bi-annual seminar programme on 14-15 May 2016 at the Buffelskloof Nature Reserve near Lydenburg, Mpumalanga. Led by John and Sandie Burrows, PSG talks were given on a range of botanical topics. The event was well-attended with more than 50 people from institutions such as the South African National Biodiversity Institute, Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks Agency and South African National Parks. Other participants included environmental consultants, honorary game rangers, nurserymen and women and farmers as well as numerous students and interested plant enthusiasts. Timm Hoffman, Director of the Plant Conservation Unit, spoke on rePhotoSA where he outlined the aim and importance of rePhotoSA and encouraged all citizen scientists to get involved in the project. Participants who stayed for the weekend enjoyed a plant quiz on Saturday evening and a botanical field trip on the Sunday morning at the reserve. The excitement that the PSG has for the region’s flora is infectious and we hope that members will contribute to rePhotoSA during their many outings.

The 1,500 ha Buffelskloof Nature Reserve contains the largest patch of privately-owned indigenous Afromontane forest in the northern parts of South Africa. The reserve also has a herbarium with an extensive collection of southern African plants.