Editorial: Advancing past socio–environmental systems science

08 Jun 2023
New paper alert
08 Jun 2023

Humans, social elements, and natural processes interact with each other and the environment through time. Understanding interactions and feedback mechanisms in these so-called past socio–environmental systems help society to adapt, build resilience and develop more sustainable practices. This special issue contains articles describing past socio-environmental systems (SES) at a range of timescales, highlighting the need for interdisciplinarity and collaboration for advancing in this field of paleoscience.

The magazine was edited by Estelle Razanatsoa of the Plant Conservation Unit (PCU), with Xavier Benito (Institute of Agrifood Technology and Research, Spain), Giorgia Camperio (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Ignacio Jara (Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile) and Iván Hernández-Almeida (PAGES).

past global changes











Read the editorial article here

The full magazine can be accessed here