Papers in refereed scientific journals

  1. Allsopp N, Gaika L, Knight R, Monakisi C and Hoffman MT 2007. The impact of heavy grazing on an ephemeral river system in the succulent karoo, South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 71: 82-96. (IF=1.535; C=2)
  2. Anderson PML and Hoffman MT 2007. The impacts of sustained heavy grazing on plant diversity and composition in lowland and upland habitats across the Kamiesberg mountain range in the Succulent Karoo. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 686-700. (IF=1.535; C=19)
  3. Carrick PJ and Kruger R, 2007. Restoring degraded landscapes in lowland Namaqualand: Lessons from the mining experience and from regional ecological dynamics. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 767-781. (IF=1.535; C=12)
  4. Cousins B, Hoffman MT, Allsopp N and Rohde RF, 2007. A synthesis of social and biological perspectives on sustainable land use in Namaqualand. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 834-846. (IF=1.535; C=7)
  5. Foden W, Midgley GF, Hughes G, Bond WJ, Thuiller W, Hoffman MT, Kaleme P, Underhill L, Rebelo A and Hannah L, 2007. A changing climate is eroding the geographic range of the Namib Desert tree Aloe through population declines and dispersal lags. Diversity and Distributions 13: 645-653. (IF=4.224; C=36)
  6. Foxcroft LC and Freitag-Ronaldson S, 2007. Seven decades of institutional learning: managing alien plant invasions in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Oryx 41: 1-8. (IF=2.185; C=5)
  7. Foxcroft LC and Rejmánek M, 2007. What helps Opuntia stricta invade Kruger National Park: baboons or elephants? Journal of Applied Vegetation Science 10: 265-270. (IF=1.802; C=4)
  8. Foxcroft LC, Hoffmann JH, Viljoen JJ and Kotze JJ, 2007. Environmental factors influencing the distribution of Opuntia Stricta, an invasive alien plant in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 73: 109-112. (IF= 1.107; C=2)
  9. Foxcroft LC, Hoffmann JH, Viljoen JJ & Kotze JJ, 2007. Influence of Opuntia stricta density and other environmental features on Cactoblastis cactorum distribution in Kruger National Park, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 73: 113-117. (IF= 1.107; C=2)
  10. Foxcroft LC, Rouget M and Richardson DM, 2007. Risk assessment of riparian alien plant invasion into protected areas- a landscape approach. Conservation Biology 21: 412-421. (IF=2.146; C=27)
  11. Gillson L and Duffin K, 2007. Thresholds of potential concern as benchmarks in the management of African savannas. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B.362: 309-319. (IF=2.457; C=13)
  12. Gillson L and Hoffman MT, 2007. Rangeland ecology in a changing world. Science 315: 53- 54. (IF=29.474; C=26)
  13. Gillson L and Hoffman MT, 2007. Grazing and "degradation". Science 316 ( 5831): 1565 - 1567 (IF=29.474; C=0)
  14. Hoffman MT, Allsopp N and Rohde RF, 2007. Sustainable land use in Namaqualand, South Africa: Key issues in an interdisciplinary debate. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 561-569. (IF=1.535; C=8)
  15. Hoffman MT and Rohde RF, 2007. From pastoralism to tourism: The historical impact of changing land use practices in Namaqualand. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 641-658. (IF=1.535; C=20)
  16. James I, Munro A, Hoffman MT, O'Farrell PJ and Smart R, 2007. The economic value of flower tourism at the Namaqua National Park, South Africa. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 10(4): 442-456. (IF=0.082; C=2)
  17. Kalamandeen M and Gillson L, 2007. De-mything 'Wilderness': Implications for Protected Area Designation and Management. Biodiversity Conservation 16:165-182 (IF=2.146; C=7)
  18. Lebert T and Rohde RF, 2007. Land reform and the new elite: exclusion of the poor from communal land in Namaqualand, South Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 70: 818-833. (IF=1.535; C=14)
  19. O'Farrell PJ, Donaldson JS and Hoffman MT, 2007. The influence of ecosystem goods and services on livestock management practices on the Bokkeveld plateau, South Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 122: 312-324. (IF= 3.130; C=12)
  20. Picker MD, Hoffman MT and Leverton B, 2007. The density of Microhodotermes viator (Hodotermitidae) mounds in Southern Africa in relation to rainfall and productivity gradients. Journal of Zoology 271: 37-44. (IF=1.787; C=6)
  21. Shiponeni NN, Carrick PJ and Allsopp N, 2007. Competitive relationships between grass and leaf succulent shrub at the ecotone between arid grassland and succulent shrubland. South African Journal of Botany 73: 312. (IF=1.107; C=0)
  22. Blanchard R 2008. Riparian vegetation recovery after invasive alien tree clearance in the Fynbos Biome. South African Journal of Botany 74: 421-431. (IF=1.107; C=9)
  23. Botha MS, Carrick PJ and Allsopp N, 2008. Capturing lessons from land-users to aid the development of ecological restoration guidelines for lowland Namaqualand. Biological Conservation 141: 885-895. (IF= 3.498; C=1)
  24. Duffin K I, Gillson L, and Willis KJ, 2008. Testing the sensitivity of charcoal as an indicator of fire events in savanna environments: quantitative predictions of fire proximity, area and intensity. The Holocene 18: 279-291. (IF, 2.772; C=18)
  25. Foxcroft LC, Richardson DM.and Wilson JRU, 2008. Ornamental plants as invasive aliens: problems and solutions in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Environmental Management 41: 32-51. (IF= 2.760; C=0)
  26. Foxcroft LC, Parsons M, McLoughlin C and Richardson DM, 2008. Patterns of alien plant distribution in a river landscape following an extreme flood. South African Journal of Botany 74: 463-475. (Special issue on plant invasions and rehabilitation in riparian ecosystems). (IF=1.107; C=8)
  27. Hoffman MT and Vogel C, 2008. Climate change impacts on African rangelands. Rangelands 30(3), 12-17. [ISSN: 0190-0528]. (IF=0; C=11)
  28. Gillson L, Ekblom A, Willis KJ and Froyd C, 2008. Holocene Palaeoinvasions: the link between pattern, process and scale in invasion ecology? Landscape Ecology. 23:757-769. (IF=3.2; C=7)
  29. Maclean J and Carrick PJ, 2008. Environmental Management and Rehabilitation under the MPRDA: A Biodiversity Outlook. South African Journal of Environmental Law and Policy 14:187-216. (IF=0.33; C=0)
  30. O'Farrell PJ, Donaldson JS, Hoffman MT and Mader AD, 2008. Small mammal diversity and density on the Bokkeveld escarpment, South Africa - implications for conservation and livestock predation. African Journal of Zoology 43: 117-124. (IF=1.108; C=0)
  31. Rahlao SJ, Hoffman MT, Todd SW and McGrath K, 2008. Long-term vegetation change in the Succulent Karoo, South Africa following 67 years of rest from grazing. Journal of Arid Environments 72(5): 808-819. (IF=1.535; C=4)
  32. Rohde RF and Hoffman MT, 2008. One hundred years of separation: The historical ecology of a South African 'Coloured Reserve'. Africa 78(2): 189-222. (IF=0.592; C=5)
  33. Samuels MI, Allsopp N and Hoffman MT, 2008. Mobility patterns of livestock keepers in semiarid communal rangelands of Namaqualand, South Africa. Nomadic Peoples 12(1): 123-148.(IF=0; C=0)
  34. Van der Laan M, Reinhardt CF, Truter W, Belz R, Foxcroft LC and Hurle H, 2008. Interference potential of the perennial grasses Eragrostis curvula, Panicum maximum and Digitaria eriantha with the invasive alien plant Parthenium hysterophorus L. Tropical Grasslands 42: 88-95. (IF=0.258; C=1)
  35. Gillson L and Ekblom A, 2009. Resilience and Thresholds in Savannas: Nitrogen and Fire as Drivers and Responders of Vegetation Transition. Ecosystems 12:1189-1203. (IF= 3.679; C=6)
  36. Gillson L, 2009. Landscapes through Space and Time. Landscape Ecology 24:149-155 (IF = 2.5; C=6)
  37. Gillson L and Ekblom A, 2009. Untangling anthropogenic and climatic influence on riverine forest in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 18:171-185. (IF=1.656; C=4)
  38. Hoffman MT, Carrick PJ, Gillson L and West AG, 2009. Drought, climate change and vegetation response in the succulent karoo, South Africa. South African Journal of Science 105: 54-61. (IF=0.67; C = 7)
  39. Ladle R and Gillson L, 2009. The (Im)balance of Nature: A public understanding time-lag? Public Understanding of Science 18: 229-242. (IF=1.981; C=5)
  40. Masubelele ML, Foxcroft LC and Milton SJ, 2009. Alien plant species list and distribution for the Camdeboo National Park, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Koedoe 51 (1), 80-89. (IF=0.16; C=1)
  41. O'Farrell PJ, Donaldson JS and Hoffman MT, 2009. Local benefits of retaining natural vegetation for soil retention and hydrological services. South African Journal of Botany 75: 573-583. (IF=1.106; C=3)
  42. Honglso E, Rohde R and Hoffman T, 2009. Landscape change and ecological processes in relation to land-use in Namaqualand, South Africa, 1939-2005. South African Geographical Journal 91(2): 63-74. (IF=0.207; C=0)
  43. Thompson M, Vlok J, Rouget M, Hoffman MT, Balmford A and Cowling RM, 2009. Mapping grazing-induced degradation in a semi-arid environment: a rapid and cost effective approach for assessment and monitoring. Environmental Management 43(4): 585-596. (IF=2.76; C=4)
  44. Todd SW and Hoffman MT, 2009. A fence-line in time demonstrates grazing-induced vegetation shifts and dynamics in the semi-arid Succulent Karoo. Ecological Applications 19: 1897-1908. (IF=4.267; C=4)
  45. Virah-Sawmy ML. Gillson L and Willis KJ, 2009. How does spatial heterogeneity influence resilience to climatic changes? Ecological dynamics in southeast Madagascar. Ecological Monographs 79:557-574. (IF=5.938; C= 9)
  46. Virah-Sawmy M, Willis KJ and Gillson L, 2009. Threshold response of Madagascar's littoral forest to sea-level rise. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18: 98-110.(IF = 5.193; C= 11)
  47. Wigley BJ, Bond WJ, and Hoffman MT, 2009. Bush encroachment under three contrasting land-use practices in a mesic South African savanna. African Journal of Ecology 47: 62-70. (IF=5.561; C=5)
  48. Anderson PML, Hoffman MT and O'Farrell PJ, 2010. Above ground perennial plant biomass across an altitudinal and land-use gradient in Namaqualand, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 76: 471-481.
  49. Compton JS, Herbert CT, Hoffman MT, Schneider RR and Stuut J-B, 2010. A tenfold increase in the Orange River mean Holocene mud flux: implications for soil erosion in South Africa. The Holocene 20(1):115-122.
  50. Ekblom A and Gillson L, 2010. Fire History and Fire Ecology of northern Kruger (KNP) and Limpopo National Park (PNL), Southern Africa. The Holocene 20: 1063-1077. (IF=2.481; C=1)
  51. Ekblom A and Gillson L , 2010. Dung fungi as indicators of past herbivore abundance, Kruger and Limpopo National Park. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 296, 14-27. (IF= 2.390; C=2)
  52. Ekblom A and Gillson L, 2010. Hierarchy and Scale: Testing the Role of Water, Grazing and Nitrogen in the Savanna Landscape of Limpopo National Park (Mozambique). Landscape Ecology 25:1529-1546. (IF=3.2; C=1)
  53. Hoffman MT, Madden CF, Erasmus K, Saayman N and Botha JC, 2010. The impact of indigenous ungulate herbivory over five years (2004-2008) on the vegetation of the Little Karoo, South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 26(3): 169-179. (IF=0.262; C=2)
  54. Hoffman MT, Madden CF, Erasmus K, Saayman N, Botha JC and Kruger R, 2010. Measuring the impact of indigenous herbivores: reply to Kerley and Landman. African Journal of Range & Forage Science 27(3): 181-183.
  55. Hoffman MT, Schmiedel U, and Jürgens, N (Eds.), 2010. Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume III: Implications for Landuse and Management. In: Jürgens, N. Schmiedel U & Hoffman MT (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. 226 pp. ISBN: 978-3-933117-47-2.
  56. Malgas RR, Potts A, Oettle N, Koelle B, Todd S, Verboom A and Hoffman MT, 2010. Distribution, quantitative morphological variation and preliminary molecular analysis of different growth forms of wild rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) in the northern Cederberg and on the Bokkeveld Plateau. South African Journal of Botany 79: 72-81.
  57. O'Farrell PJ, Donaldson JS and Hoffman MT, 2010. Vegetation transformation, functional compensation, and soil health in a semi-arid environment. Arid Land Research and Richardson D, Hoffman MT, Gillson L 2010. Modelling the complex dynamics of vegetation, livestock and rainfall in a semi-arid rangeland in South Africa. African Journal of Range and Forage Science 27(3): 125-142.Management 24(1): 12-30.
  58. Wigley BJ, Bond WJ and Hoffman MT, 2010. Thicket expansion in a South African savanna under divergent land use: local vs. global drivers? Global Change Biology 16(3): 964-976.
  59. Virah-Sawmy M, Willis KJ, and Gillson L, 2010. Evidence for drought and forest declines during the recent megafaunal extinctions in Madagascar. Journal of Biogeography 37:506- 519. (IF= 4.273; C=1)


  1. Jürgens, N. Schmiedel U and Hoffman MT (Eds.) 2010. Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. 1375 pp. ISBN: 978-3-933117-44-1.


  1. Hoffman MT and Todd SW, 2010. Using fixed-point photography, field surveys and GIS to monitor environmental change in Riemvasmaak, South Africa. In: Webb RH, Boyer DE and Turner RM (Eds): Repeat photography-Methods and applications in the natural sciences. Island Press, Washington DC. ISBN 978-1-59726-713-7. Pp. 46-56.
  2. Hoffman MT, Rohde RF, Duncan J and Kaleme P, 2010. Repeat photography, climate change and the long-term population dynamics of tree Aloes in southern Africa. In: Webb RH, Boyer DE and Turner RM (Eds): Repeat photography-Methods and applications in the natural sciences. Pp. 133-142. Island Press, Washington DC. ISBN 978-1-59726-713-7.
  3. Rohde RF & Hoffman MT, 2010. Landscape and vegetation change in Namibia since 1876 based on the photographs of the Palgrave Commission. In: Schmiedel U & Jürgens N (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume II: Patterns and Processes at Regional Scale. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. Pp. 6-14. ISBN: 978-3-933117-46-5.
  4. Hoffman MT & Rohde RF, 2010. An analysis of 20th century vegetation change in Namaqualand using repeat photography. In: Schmiedel U & Jürgens N (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume II: Patterns and Processes at Regional Scale. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. Pp. 15-21. ISBN: 978-3-933117-46-5.
  5. Schmiedel U, Linke T, Christiaan R, Falk T, Gröngröft A, Haarmeyer DH, Hanke W, Henstock R, Hoffman MT, Kunz N, Labitzky T, Luther-Mosebach J, Lutsch N, Meyer S, Petersen A, Röwer IU, van der Merwe H, van Rooyen MW, Vollan B, Weber B. 2010. Environmental and socio-economic patterns and processes in the Succulent Karoo - frame conditions for the management of this biodiversity hotspot. In: Hoffman MT, Schmiedel U & Jürgens N (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume 3: Implications for Landuse and Management. Pp. 110-150.Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. ISBN: 978-3-933117-47-2.

Edited book/book volume

  1. Jürgens N, Schmiedel U and Hoffman MT (Eds.), 2010. Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen and Windhoek. 1375 pp. ISBN: 978-3-933117-44-1.
  2. Hoffman MT, Schmiedel U, and Jürgens N (Eds.), 2010. Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume III: Implications for Landuse and Management. In: Jürgens, N. Schmiedel U & Hoffman MT (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. 226 pp. ISBN: 978-3-933117-47-2.

Refereed chapters in books

  1. Foxcroft LC and Downey PO, 2007. Protecting biodiversity by managing alien plants in national parks: perspectives from South Africa and Australia. In: Tokarska-Guzik, B., Brock, J.H., Brundu, G., Child, L., Daehler, C.C. & Pysek, P. Plant Invasions: Human perception, ecological impacts and management. pp. 387-403. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  2. O'Farrell PJ, le Maitre DC, Gelderblom C, Bonora D, Hoffman MT and Reyers B, 2008. Applying a resilience framework in the pursuit of sustainable land-use development in the Little Karoo, South Africa. In: Burns M. and Weaver A. (eds). Exploring sustainability Science: A southern African perspective. African Sun Media, Stellenbosch. Pp. 383-432. ISBN 978-1-920109-51-6.
  3. Hoffman MT and Rohde RF, 2010. An analysis of 20th century vegetation change in Namaqualand using repeat photography. In: Schmiedel U & Jürgens N (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume II: Patterns and Processes at Regional Scale. Klaus HessPublishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. Pp. 15-21. ISBN: 978-3-933117-46-5.
  4. Hoffman MT and Todd SW, 2010. Using fixed-point photography, field surveys and GIS to monitor environmental change in Riemvasmaak, South Africa. In: Webb RH, Boyer DE and Turner RM (Eds): Repeat photography-Methods and applications in the natural sciences. Island Press, Washington DC. Pp. 46-56. ISBN 978-1-59726-713-7.
  5. Hoffman MT, Rohde RF, Duncan J and Kaleme P, 2010. Repeat photography, climate change and the long-term population dynamics of tree Aloes in southern Africa. In: Webb RH, Boyer DE and Turner RM (Eds): Repeat photography-Methods and applications in the natural sciences. Island Press, Washington DC. Pp. 133-142. ISBN 978-1-59726-713-7.
  6. Rohde RF & Hoffman MT, 2010. Landscape and vegetation change in Namibia since 1876 based on the photographs of the Palgrave Commission. In: Schmiedel U & Jürgens N (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume II: Patterns and Processes at Regional Scale. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. Pp. 6-14. ISBN: 978-3-933117-46-5.
  7. Schmiedel U, Linke T, Christiaan R, Falk T, Gröngröft A, Haarmeyer DH, Hanke W, Henstock R, Hoffman MT, Kunz N, Labitzky T, Luther-Mosebach J, Lutsch N, Meyer S, Petersen A, Röwer IU, van der Merwe H, van Rooyen MW, Vollan B, Weber B, 2010. Environmental and socio-economic patterns and processes in the Succulent Karoo - frame conditions for the management of this biodiversity hotspot. In: Hoffman MT, Schmiedel U & Jürgens N (Eds). Biodiversity in Southern Africa - Volume 3: Implications for Landuse and Management. Pp. 110-150. Klaus Hess Publishers, Göttingen & Windhoek. ISBN: 978-3-933117-47-2.

Published conference papers (peer-reviewed)

  1. Schreiner GO, Pienaar E, van Eeden JD, Hoffman MT and Carrick PJ, 2008. An ecological evaluation of rehabilitation interventions on phosphate mined land in the West Coast Fossil Park from 1996-2008. In: Fourie AB, Tibbett M, Weiersbye IM and Dye PJ. (eds). Mine Closure 2008. Proceedings of the Third International Seminar on Mine Closure held in Johannesburg, South Africa, 14-17 October 2008. Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth. Pp. 799-807. ISBN 978-0-9804185-6-9.
  2. C-L. Lyons, M.D. Picker, P.J. Carrick, 2008. Community structure of soil invertebrates under differing restoration practices - alluvial diamond-mined sites in South Africa. In (Eds A. Fourie, M. Tibbet, I. Weiersbye & P. Dye) Mine Closure 2008. Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Mine Closure 2008: 821-830. ISBN 978-0-9804185-6-9.

Professional reports

  1. Hoffman MT, Allsopp N, Saul L and Samuels I 2008. Ecosystem services and poverty in arid and semiarid sub-Saharan Africa: Paulshoek case study. In: (eds) Shackleton C, Shackleton S, Gambiza J, Nel E, Rowntree K & Urquhart P. Links between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation: Situation analysis for arid and semi-arid lands in southern Africa. Report submitted to: Ecosystem Services and Poverty Reduction Research Programme: DFID, NERC, ESRC. Consortium on Ecosystems and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa (CEPSA). Pp. 174-179.
  2. Mac Fadyen S, Cilliers CJ and Foxcroft LC, 2008. Biological control of Pistia stratiotes (water lettuce) by Neohydronomus affinis in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. SANParks Report 01/08.
  3. Botha SB, Kruger R and Carrick PJ, 2007. Handleiding vir Ekologiese Restorasie. (Training manual for practical ecological restoration in the Namaqualand lowlands - produced by the Namaqualand Restoration Initiative).

Popular and semi-popular articles

  1. Anonymous, 2007. Rehabilitasie met behulp van daisies. Die Plattelander 2 Nov 2007, p. 9.
  2. Colville J and Helme N, 2007. Brochure on the Kamiesberg Uplands. Highlighting the recent botanical and insect findings from a CEPF funded, Kamiesberg Uplands Conservation Project.
  3. Nicolson G 2009. Wildflowers of the N7 road reserve : a walk from Vioosldrif to Cape Town. Veld & Flora Vol. 95 (2), pp74 -77.



  1. Foxcroft L, 2007. Pattern and process of plant invasion in an African savanna ecosystem, with emphasis on multiple spatial and temporal scales. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 198 pp + appendices. [Supervisors: Dave Richardson and Timm Hoffman].
  2. Shiponeni N, 2007. Spatio-temporal distribution of grass and shrubs at the ecotone between an arid grassland and succulent shrubland: ecological interactions and the influence of soils. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 132 pp. [Supervisors: Nicky Allsopp, Timm Hoffman and Peter Carrick].
  3. Anderson P, 2008. The impacts of sustained heavy grazing on plant communities across the Kamiesberg mountain range in the Succulent Karoo, South Africa. PhD Thesis, University of Cape Town. 205 pp. [Supervisor: Timm Hoffman].
  4. Duffin K, 2008. Vegetation dynamics in the savanna of southern Kruger National Park. Unpublished D.Phil, University of Oxford. [Supervisor: Lindsey Gillson and Kathy Willis]. Colville J, 2009. Diversity and turnover of monkey beetles (Scarabaeidae: Hopliini) at different spatial scales in winter-rainfall southern Africa. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisors: Richard Cowling and Mike Picker].
  5. Virah-Sawmy M, 2009. Fragmentation of the littoral forests of south-eastern Madagascar. Unpublished D.Phil, University of Oxford. [Supervisor: Kathy Willis and Lindsey Gillson]. Von Hase A, 2009. Biodiversity conservation as a process: from planning to the implementation of conservation action on private lands in the Cape Lowlands. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisors: Richard Cowling and Timm Hoffman].
  6. Bremen E, 2010. Palaeoecology of the savanna-grassland ecotone, Mpumalanga. Unpublished D.Phil, University of Oxford. [Supervisor: Lindsey Gillson and Kathy Willis].6., Cape Town. 243 pp. [Supervisor: Timm Hoffman].

MSc (Dissertation)

  1. Wigley B, 2007. Living in a changing world: An integrated approach to documenting and understanding medium to long-term vegetation changes in three contrasting land use systems in mesic savanna, Northern Zululand, South Africa. Unpublished MSc thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 146 pp. [Supervisors: William Bond and Timm Hoffman].
  2. Blanchard R, 2008. An investigation of riparian vegetation recovery following invasive alien tree clearing in the western Cape. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 168 pp. [Supervisors: Pat Holmes, Timm Hoffman and Dave Richardson].
  3. Lyons C-L, 2008. Evaluating restoration success of alluvial diamond- mined sites in South Africa using invertebrate community indicators. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 107 pp. [Supervisors: Mike Picker and Peter Carrick].
  4. Nongwe N, 2008. A systematic conservation assessment of habitat transformation and degradation in the Little Karoo, South Africa. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 91 pp. [Supervisor: Timm Hoffman].
  5. Bonora D, 2009. An environmental history of the Cederberg: changing climate, land use and vegetation patterns. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 161 pp. [Supervisors: Timm Hoffman, Rick Rohde and Ed February].
  6. Erasmus R, 2009. Habitat use, feeding ecology and the impact of re-introduced elephants (Loxodonta africana) on trees within a restricted conservation area in the semi-arid, Little Karoo, South Africa. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 109 pp. [Supervisor: Timm Hoffman].
  7. Quick L, 2009. Late Quaternary vegetation history and palaeoenvironments of the Cederberg Mountains, South Africa: Evidence from hyrax (Procavia capensis) middens. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 181 pp. [Supervisors: Mike Meadows, Brian Chase and Timm Hoffman].
  8. Ballantyne F, 2010. Palaeoecology and vegetation dynamics in the Cederberg Wilderness Area. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 134 pp. [Supervisors: Lindsey Gillson and Ed February].
  9. Kruger R, 2010. Untangling clumps - factors influence seedling ecology in a semi-desert, and the implications for restoration ecology. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 128 pp. [Supervisors: Peter Carrick and Timm Hoffman].
  10. Nicolson G, 2010. Road reserves as conservation assets: exploring the species of conservation concern and the ecological condition of the N7 road reserve. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 125 pp. [Supervisor: Timm Hoffman].

MSc (Course work and mini-thesis)

  1. Humphrey G, 2008. Termitaria, herbivory and elephant impact. Unpublished MSc thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 21 pp. [Supervisors: Graeme Cumming and Lindsey Gillson].
  2. Puttick J, 2008. Municipal commonage: Livestock, livelihoods and land degradation in Grahamstown, South Africa. Unpublished MSc thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 49 pp. [Supervisors: Timm Hoffman and James Gambiza].
  3. Wistebaar T, 2008. Using remote sensing and expert knowledge to map landscape-level land, degradation in the arid grasslands of Bushmanland, South Africa. Unpublished MSc thesis,
  4. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 32 pp. [Supervisors: Timm Hoffman, Mathieu Rouget and Phil Desmet].

BSc (Honours)

  1. Soares M, 2007. A model of a rangeland grazing system within a management procedure approach framework. Unpublished BSc (Honours) thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 26 pp. [Supervisors: Eva Paglyani-Lloyd, Dave Richardson and Timm Hoffman].
  2. Thomas A, 2007. Using Sporomiella to track herbivore biomass within the Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Game Reserve. Unpublished BSc (Honours) thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 39 pp. [Supervisor: Lindsey Gillson].
  3. Madden C, 2008. The impacts of indigenous herbivore grazing over five years (2004-2008) on vegetation dynamics in four distinct vegetation types of the winter rainfall Little Karoo. Unpublished BSc (Hons) thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. 46 pp.
  4. Mendel L, 2009. Calibration of the modern charcoal record. Unpublished BSc (Hons) thesis, University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisor: Lindsey Gillson].
  5. Ragaller S, 2009. Perceptions of medicinal plant use in Paulshoek, Namaqualand. Unpublished BSc (Honours) thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisors: Leslie Green and Timm Hoffman].
  6. Zaloumis N, 2009. Restoration of KwaZulu-Natal coastal dune forest. Unpublished BSc (Honours) thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisors: William Bond and Timm Hoffman].
  7. Fordyce N, 2010. Diatoms as palaeoclimatic indicators. Unpublished BSc (Honours) thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisor: Lindsey Gillson].
  8. Gallaher K, 2010. Phytoliths as environmental indices. Unpublished BSc (Honours) thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisor: Lindsey Gillson].
  9. Ghaui M, 2010. Isotope ecology of a wetland in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi, KZN. Unpublished BSc (Honours) thesis. University of Cape Town, Cape Town. [Supervisor: Lindsey Gillson].


  1. Botha MS, Kruger R and Carrick PJ, 2007. Replacing dumps with daisies. SKEP e-news letter, (Succulent Karoo Ecosystem Programme) September 2007 (reproduced in SANBI and CEPF e-newsletters also in September 2007).
  2. Kruger P, Botha MS and Kruger R, 2007. Replacing dumps with daisies Namaqualand Mines Chronicle, September to December 2007, p. 9.
  3. Theron H, 2007. Namaqualand, from dumps to daisies. University of Cape Town, Monday Paper Vol 26#17: Nov 12-25, p. 1. [Exposure of Namaqualand Restoration Initiative work in Namaqualand]
  4. Williams NM, 2007. DME officials visit Namaqualand Mines. Namaqualand MinesChronicle, May - August 2007, p. 3. [Exposure of Namaqualand Restoration Initiative work inNamaqualand]
  5. Yeld J, 2007. Seeds of hope in Namaqualand. Cape Argus 27 Nov 2007, p. 14. [Exposure of Namaqualand Restoration Initiative work in Namaqualand]