Ortega-Cisneros, K., de Moor, C.L., Cochrane, K. Linking the movement of South African sardine and anchovy to environmental variables using a model of intermediate complexity. Fisheries Research. 275: 107001. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2024.107001.
Research Papers and Refereed Articles
Unpublished Research/Technical/Policy Documents
Brandão, A., Ross-Gillespie, A., Charlton, C and Butterworth, D.S. Preliminary demographic estimates for southern right whales off Australia using the common model and comparison to the South African population. SC/69B/SH/14: 34pp.
PowerPoint Presentations
Butterworth, D.S. Beyond harvest control rules. Overview – HCR vs. MP vs. HS. Presentation made at the FAO ABNJ harvest strategy webinar on Jan 25 2024: 13pp.
de Moor, C.L. Explicitly Incorporating Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management (EBFM) into Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE). Presentation made at the World Fisheries Congress, Seattle, USA, 7 March 2024: 25pp.
de Moor, C.L. Sustaining both the South African sardine and fishery despite shifting distributions and revised stock structure. Presentation made at the World Fisheries Congress, Seattle, USA, 7 March 2024: 12pp.
Ortega-Cisneros, K., de Moor, C.L and Cochrane, K. Exploring the impact of fishing and climate scenarios on the South African sardine and anchovy fishery. Presentation made at the World Fisheries Congress, Seattle, USA, 7 March 2024: 16pp.
Canadian Herring
Greenland Halibut
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Results for Greenland Halibut Candidate Management Procedure Trials for the final SCAA Reference Set trials. NAFO SCR Doc. 24/001REV: 16pp.
Rademeyer, R.A. and Butterworth, D.S. Comparing results for the proposed revised Green Halibut Candidate Management Procedure for the final SCAA and SSM Robustness trials. NAFO SCR Doc 24/003: 5pp.
Johnston, S.J. Tristan Group Biomass Survey results of Jasus tristani including data from the 2023 season. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2024/FEB/01: 15pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated 2023 GLMM-standardised lobster CPUE from Inaccessible, Nightingale and Gough islands from the Jasus tristani fishery. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2024/APR/02: 17pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Updated (and rescaled) Tristan island GLM-standardised Jasus tristani lobster Powerboat CPUE to take account of data for the 2023 season. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2024/APR/03: 10pp.
Johnston, S.J. and Butterworth, D.S. Recommendations on rock lobster TACs for Tristan rock lobster Jasus tristani, at Tristan and Nightingale islands for the 2023/24 season. MARAM document: MARAM/TRISTAN/2024/APR/04: 7pp.
Consultancy and Other Activities Based on Expertise Developed in Research
Brandão, A. and Butterworth, D.S. The way forward to model pack data for the chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) resource of South Africa. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/FEB/SWG-SQ/05: 14pp.
Butterworth, D.S. and Ross-Gillespie, A. Motivation for and fundamentals of present MICE approaches to investigate possible causes of the decline in penguin abundance. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/JAN/SWG-PEL/02: 9pp.
de Moor, C.L. A method to convert the hydroacoustic survey estimates of small pelagic biomass from a February/March 2024 survey to equivalent biomasses that might have been surveyed in November 2023, for use in 2024 fisheries management advice. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/JAN/SWG-PEL/01: 6pp.
de Moor, C.L. Using the hydroacoustic survey estimates of anchovy and round herring biomass west of Cape Agulhas to update the interim catch limits. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/MAR/SWG-PEL/07: 2pp.
de Moor, C.L. Round herring PUCL recommendation for 2024. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/MAR/SWG-PEL/13: 1pp.
de Moor, C.L. Initial anchovy TAC recommendation for 2024, using OMP-18rev. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/MAR/SWG-PEL/14rev: 4pp.
de Moor, C.L. Updated assessment of the South African sardine resource using data from 1984-2023. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/MAR/SQG-PEL/15rev: 36pp.
de Moor, C.L. Sardine projections based on constant catch scenarios for 2024. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/MAR/SWG-PEL/16: 41pp.
de Moor, C.L. November survey CVs simulated for anchovy during OMP-18rev testing. DFFE Fisheries document: FISHERIES/2024/MAR/SWG-PEL/19: 2pp.
Ross-Gillespie, A. and Butterworth, D.S. Report on review of stock assessment related to abalone ranching in Zone EC1 with consequent recommendations. Report to Anchor Environmental and DFFE.