• A conventional silicate line utilising ClF3 with 10 nickel reaction vessels for the analysis of O in silicate rocks and minerals. The δ18O values are determined on O2 gas absorbed onto molecular sieve in sample bottles
  • A carbonate line for the extraction of CO2 in carbonate rocks and minerals using 100% phosphoric acid. This line is also used to determine oxygen isotope values in water samples. Routine carbonate and water samples are analysed at the BIOGRIP facilities in the Dept of Archaeology across the road (carbonates) or the Soil Science Node at Stellenbosch University.
  • A hydrogen line for the analysis of H in rocks and mineral samples and water samples
  • A laser fluorination line for the analysis of 1-2 mg mineral samples using BrF5. The δ18O values are determined on O2 gas absorbed onto molecular sieve in sample bottles.

All samples are analysed using either a DeltaXP or a DeltaPlus Advantage dual inlet gas source mass spectrometer housed in the Department of Archaeology. Please contact Chris Harris (details below) for information on rates for work in the stable isotope laboratory. As of 2024, Chris Harris will be semi-retired and more selective about work that with the work he will do. He is specifically interested in mantle rocks and intra-plate igneous rocks.

Lab Director

Picture Name Position Contact Address
Chris Harris Prof Chris Harris Emeritus Professor Cell: 0762960344, +27 (0)21 650 2921
Stable Isotope Lab

Room 311, Geological Scinces Building
13 University Ave S
Cape Town
South Africa