Researchers in the Department of Archaeology at UCT have contributed to several meaningful publications. This includes:
Ashkenazy, H., Sahle, Y. (2021). An Early Holocene Lithic Assemblage from Dibé Rockshelter, South-Central Ethiopia. Journal of African Archaeology 19(1), 57–71.
Baht, A. M. S, Chinsamy, A., Parkington, J. 2021. Histological investigation of burnt bones: a case study of angulate tortoises from the archaeological site, Diepkloof Rock Shelter, Western Cape, South Africa. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 31: 742-757.
Braun, D., Faith, T., Douglass, M., Davies, B., Power, M., Vera, A., Conard, N., Cutts, R., DeSantis, L., Dupont, L., Esteban, I., Kandel, A., Levin, N., Luyt, J., Parkington, J., Pickering, R., Quick, L., Sealy, J., Stynder, D. 2021. Ecosystem engineering in the Quaternary of the West Coast of South Africa. Evolutionary Anthropology 30 (1): 50-62.
Braun, D. R., Faith, J. T., Douglass, M., J., Davies, B., Power, M., J., Vera, A., Conard, N., Russell, C., DeSantis, L. R. G., Dupont, L., Esteban, I., Kandel, A. W., Levin, N. E., Luyt, J., Parkington, J., Pickering, R., Quick, L., Sealy, J., Stynder, D. (2021). Ecosystem Engineering in the Quaternary of the West Coast of South Africa. Evolutionary Anthropology.
Buck LT, DC Katz, RR Ackermann, L Hlusko, S Kanthaswamy, TD Weaver. 2021. Effects of hybridisation on pelvic morphology: a macaque model. Journal of Human Evolution. 159, 1030-1049.
Chirikure, S, W Ndoro, FT Bugarin, S di Lernia, EB Ichumbaki, NB Lwoga. 2021. Usable Pasts Forum: UNESCO and Heritage Tourism in Africa African Archaeological Review 38 (3), 513-533
Chirikure, S. 2021. Making archaeology relevant to global challenges: a Global South perspective. Antiquity 95 (382), 1073-1077.
Moffett, A, J, Nyamushosho, R, T, Bandama, F, and Chirikure, S. 2021. Stringing together cowrie shells in the African archaeological record with special reference to southern Africa. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory.
Niespolo EM, WoldeGabriel G, Hart WK, Renne PR, Sharp WD, Shackley MS, Ambrose SH, Asfaw B, Beyene Y, Brasil MF, Carlson JP, Sahle Y, White TD (2021). Integrative geochronology calibrates the Middle and Late Stone Ages of Ethiopia’s Afar Rift. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118(50), e2116329118.
Nyamushosho, R, T, Chipangura, N, Pasipanodya, T.B, Bandama, F, Chirikure, S, Manyanga, M. 2021. Nyanga pottery and the Manyika ethnohistory: towards a decolonised archaeology of the Nyanga agricultural complex. Heliyon-Elsevier 7: 3, e06609.
Parkington, J., Brand, R., Niekerk, T. 2021. Field processing and transport costs in shellfish gathering along the Cape west coast. Quaternary International Special Issue 284: 72-81.
Thondhlana, TP, SS Chitima, S Chirikure. 2021. Nation branding in Zimbabwe: Archaeological heritage, national cohesion, and corporate identities. Journal of Social Archaeology 21 (3), 283-305.
Zdjelar N, L Nagendran, C Kendall, RR Ackermann, L Schroeder. 2021. The hybrid skull of the eastern coyote (Canis latrans var.): nonmetric traits and craniomandibular shape. Journal of Morphology.
Ackermann RR, ML Arnold, MD Baiz, J Cahill, L Cortes-Ortiz, B Evans, BR Grant, PR Grant, B Hallgrimsson, R Humphreys, CJ Jolly, J Malukiewicz, CJ Percival, T Ritzman, C Roos, CC Roseman, L Schroeder, FH Smith, K Warren, R Wayne, D Zinner. 2020. Hybridization in human evolution: insights from other organisms. Evolutionary Anthropology. Preprint (2018) AfricArxiv.
Athreya S and RR Ackermann. 2020. Colonialism and narratives of human origins in Asia and Africa. In: Interrogating Human Origins: Decolonisation and the Deep Past. M Porr and J Matthews, Eds. Archaeological Orientation Series. Routledge: Abingdon. (Series editors: Christopher Witmore and Gavin Lucas). Preprint AfricaArxiv.
EC Lyaya, S Chirikure, PE Janney, T Rehren. 2020. A Technology of Multiple Smelting Furnaces per Termite Mound: Iron Production in Chongwe, Lusaka, Zambia. Journal of African Archaeology 18 (1), 67-85.
Faith, J. T., Braun, D. R., Davies, B., DeSantis, L. R. G., Douglass, M. J., Esteban, I., Hare, V., Levin, N. E., Luyt, J., Pickering, R., Power, M., Sealy, J., Stynder, D. (2020). Econometrics and the paleoecological implications of Pleistocene faunas from the western coastal plains of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 1007 – 1020.
Groenewald, P., A., Sealy, J., Stynder, D., Smith, K. M. (2020). Dietary resource partitioning among three coeval proboscidean taxa (Anancus capensis, Mammuthus subplanifrons, Loxodonta cookei) from the South African Early Pliocene locality of Langebaanweg E Quarry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 543, 109606.
Lupuwana, V.T and Naidoo, N. (2020). The archaeology of remembering: ColonialSpectersand the Processes of Repackaging the Materiality of Violence, Displacement, and Disenfranchisement in Nitschke, J & Lorenzon, M (eds) 2020, Postcolonialism, Heritage, and the Built Environment: New Approaches to Architecture in Archaeology. Springer, Cham.
Nyamushosho, R.T, & Chirikure, S. 2020. Archaeological implications of ethnographically grounded functional study of pottery from Nyanga, Zimbabwe. Quaternary International. 555: 150–164.
Sahle, Y. (2020). Eastern African Stone Age. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. USA: Oxford University Press.
Schmidt, P., Stynder, D., Conard, N. J., Parkington, J. E. (2020). When was silcrete heat treatment invented in South Africa? Palgrave Communications 6, 1-10.