The Department of Physics and the MeASURe Unit at the University of Cape Town present:

A facility dedicated to the technique of positron emitting particle (PEPT) for South Africa, and beyond.
Positron Emission Particle Tracking (PEPT)
PEPT is a technique used to non-invasively measure particle behaviour in flowing and granular systems and can track a tracer particle moving at speeds of up to 10 m/s to location uncertainties lower than 1 mm.
Find out more about PEPT Cape Town facilities located at iThemba LABS and the RW James Building at UCT Upper Campus.
We house two PET scanners at iThemba LABS: a Siemens ECAT HR++ PET scanner, with high efficiency and spatial resolution, and an ADAC Vertex, with large field of view to accommodate larger experiments.
Tracer Production
In our radiochemistry laboratory, we fabricate tracer particles labelled with the positron emitting radionuclides 68Ga and 18F with controllable physical and chemical properties such as size, shape, density and hydrophobicity.
Meet our team and current students.
Find out more about the potential of PEPT measurements for your application by following a project using PEPT to measure granular motion in a rolling drum.
PEPT Cape Town - Our Beginning
PEPT Cape Town was opened on the 4th August 2009 to over 200 guests. Find out more about our friends and collaborators, without whose support PEPT Cape Town wouldn’t be here today.
Contact Us
See our full contact details and addresses.