A few recent publications:

T.S. Volkwyn , A. Buffler,  I. Govender, J-P. Franzidis, A.J. Morrison, A. Odo, N.P. van der Meulen and C. Vermeulen, "Studies of the effect of tracer activity on time-averaged positron emission particle tracking measurements on tumbling mills at PEPT Cape Town."   Minerals Engineering, 24 (2011) 261-266.

T W Leadbeater, D J Parker, ‘A modular positron camera for the study of industrial processes’, 2011, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A652. 646-649.

K.E. Cole, A. Buffler, N. P. van der Meulen, J. J. Cilliers, J-P. Franzidis, I. Govender, C. Liu and M.R. van Heerden, “Positron emission particle tracking measurements with 50 micron tracers.” Chemical Engineering Science 75 (2012) 235-242.

M. Bickell, A. Buffler, I. Govender and D.J. Parker, “A new line density tracking algorithm for PEPT and its application to multiple tracers,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 682 (2012) 36-41.

D. Mackin, S.W. Peterson, S. Beddar and J.C. Polf, “Evaluation of a stochastic reconstruction algorithm for use in Compton camera imaging and beam range verification from secondary gamma emission during proton therapy,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 57 (2012) 3537-53

T W Leadbeater, D J  Parker, J Gargiuli, 'Positron imaging systems for studying particulate, granular and multiphase flows',  2012, Particuology 10, 146–153. Front cover article.

Ilankoon, I.M.S.K, Cole, K.E., Neethling, S.J. “Measuring hydrodynamic dispersion coefficients in unsaturated packed beds: Comparison of PEPT with conventional tracer tests,” Chemical Engineering Science, 89 (2013) 152-157.

F. Trompier, M. Boschung, A. Buffler, D. R. Geduld, F. D. Smit and F.Wissmann, “A comparison of the response of PADC neutron dosemeters in high-energy neutron fields,” Radiation Protection Dosimetry 161 1-4 (2014) 78-81.

K. Cole, A. Buffler, J.J. Cilliers, I. Govender, J.Y.Y. Heng, C. Liu, D.J. Parker, U.V. Shah, M. van Heerden and X. Fan, “A surface coating method to modify tracers for positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) measurements of froth flotation,” Powder Technology 263 (2014) 26-30.

K. Cole, P.R Brito-Parada, A.J Morrison, I. Govender, A. Buffler, K. Hadler and J.J. Cilliers,  “Using positron emission tomography (PET) to determine liquid content in overflowing foam,” Chemical Engineering Research and Design 94 (2015) 721-725

A.C. Comrie, A. Buffler,  F.D. Smit and H. Woertche, “Digital neutron-gamma discrimination with an organic scintillator at energies between 1 MeV and 100 MeV,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods A 772 (2015) 43-49.

G.C. Daniels, C.B. Franklyn, V. Dangendorf, A. Buffler and B. Bromberger, “Fast neutron radiography at an RFQ accelerator system,” Physics Procedia 69 (2015) 109-114.

A. Buffler, A.C. Comrie, F.D. Smit and H. Woertche, “Neutron spectrometry with EJ299-33 plastic scintillator for En= 10-100 MeV,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 62 3 (2015) 1422-1428.

T Hutton, J Sublet, L Morgan, T Leadbeater, 'Nuclear data for fusion: validation of typical pre-processing methods for radiation transport calculations', Fusion Engineering & Design 100, 2015, 81-86. doi: 0.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.04.045

Z M Khumalo, M Topic, C M Comrie, M Blumenthal, C A Vargas Pineda, R Bucher, K Kisslinger. Effect of annealing on phase sequence and their composition in the Pt-coated Mo system. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 338 (2014) 8.

J. Jeyasugiththan and S.W. Peterson, “Evaluation of proton inelastic reaction models in Geant4 for prompt gamma production during proton radiotherapy,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 60 (2015) 7617-35

K Stamatopoulos, HK Batchelor, T Leadbeater & MJH Simmons ‘,  Understanding flow and mixing process in proximal human colon, using a novel Dynamic Colon Model’, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, August 2016

T Hutton, JC Sublet, L Morgan, TW Leadbeater, ‘Optimising differential data formats for Monte-Carlo radiation transport in the fusion regime’, Annals of Nuclear Energy 98, 36-42, 2016.

S Tebianian, K Dubrawski, N Ellis, RA Cocco, R Hays, SBR Karri, ‘Solids flux measurements via alternate techniques in a gas-fluidized bed’,  Chemical Engineering Journal 306, 306-321, 2016.

A. Buffler, A. C. Comrie, F. D. Smit, H. J. Wörtche, “A new compact neutron/gamma ray scintillation detector” International Journal of Modern Physics,  44 (2016) 1660228     DOI: 10.1142/S2010194516602283