The aerospace industry employs people with astronomy degrees at all levels: bachelors, masters, and Ph.D.s.
There are many positions for which their talents and skills are in demand: computer programming, algorithm development, engineering analysis support, image processing, orbital mechanics, radiative transfer, optical design, numerical analysis, program management, and marketing.
Aspects of my astronomical training that have been most useful are numerous. There are actually fewer aspects that have not been useful than have been useful. In order of most useful to least useful, the aspects of my astronomical training are: ability to summarize complex information into a form that the general public can understand via public outreach programs in astronomy, ability to organize data (regardless of type) in different ways to yield the most information applicable to the problem, skill to handle large amounts of data, ability to analyze data (of any type), computer programming skills, understanding of orbital mechanics, knowledge of sensor calibration techniques and noise characteristics in data, understanding of statistics, radiative transfer, optical design and optics in general, training in numerical analysis and pattern recognition algorithms, and finally, understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum.