Course Outline: 

The physical state of an astrophysical plasma is most commonly diagnosed with the analysis of spectra obtained by ground-based telescopes and space-borne detectors over a broad range of electromagnetic windows. The goals of this lecture series are to illustrate how spectroscopic data are obtained and reduced, define the physical processes that govern the form of astronomical spectra , and discuss the spectral diagnostics that allow us to formulate a physical picture of distant objects. This will take us on a spectral tour of the universe, from which we can measure e.g. the temperatures, pressures, densities, dynamics and magnetic fields of the great diversity of astrophysical sources. This course is split into three sections: Pratical Spectroscopy, Theoretical Spectroscopy, and Radio Spectroscopy.


Practical Spectroscopy [9 Lectures]:

  • Observational Spectroscopy
  • Instrumentation
  • Spectroscopy Data Reduction
  • Spectroscopy Data Analysis

Theoretical Spectroscopy [9 Lectures]:

  • Radiative transfer
  • Atomic Physics
  • Continuous emission
  • Line formation
  • Spectral diagnostics
  • Molecular spectroscopy

Radio Spectroscopy [6 Lectures]:

  • Recombination Lines
  • Line Radiative Transfer
  • Recombination Sources
  • Molecular Lines
  • The HI Line