Anton was a towering figure in the petrology and geochemistry of igneous rocks from mid-ocean ridges, ocean islands and seamounts, continental intraplate magmas (particularly kimberlites), mantle xenoliths and diamonds.

Anton obtained his PhD under Prof. Tony Erlank at UCT in 1980 and became a member of academic staff at UCT after a stint as postdoctoral researcher at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the USA. Anton was an excellent teacher and mentored many honours, MSc and PhD students as well as postdoctoral scholars, was Head of the Department of Geological Sciences for 15 years and was Dean of the UCT Science Faculty for 7 years.
He retired in 2019. He authored well over 100 articles and chapters in peer-reviewed scientific journals and scholarly books and was a leading authority on the Mid-Atlantic and Southwest Indian mid-ocean ridges, the Tristan mantle plume (including the Walvis Ridge, Etendeka large igneous province and related magmatism), and southern African kimberlites.
The Geology department sends its heartfelt condolences to his wife, children and grandchildren.