Celebrating Graduation

Graduation is what it all comes down to. Whether you were pursuing an undergraduate or a postgraduate degree, graduation is a celebration, a close of a chapter which lasted years before. To some, it is just a mere gathering, to many, it is a recollection of all they had sacrificed. It is an assurance that all those sleepless nights, mental breakdowns and mountains climbed (pun intended) were not in vain. It is an acknowledgement and a testament of community and the gospel of hope. To many, it is a victory song. We asked some of our recent MSc graduates what graduation means for them:
Joshua van Blerk says that though he has attended a number of graduation ceremonies, none was as special as the one where he was conferred his Master of Science Degree in Geology (Thesis title: Oxygen isotope composition of megacrysts from the Monastery kimberlite). Josh, as we call him, says that his graduation symbolised a gateway to a prosperous future, indeed an accomplishment he will always cherish. Joshua highlighted that he realised the importance of having a supportive, loving family, a partner and friends that support you through the blood, the sweat and the TEARS (literally).
Sinethemba Ncetani, who was also conferred an MSc in Geology, focusing on applying the novel boron (B) isotope methods to studying boron systematics at subduction zones, with a case sudy on two Andean volcanoes (Paniri and Toconce). Sinethemba's research was part of an on-going South Africa-Chile collaboration on Andean volcanism, providing insights into the formation and evolution of the southern African lithsophere and composition. Ncetani also had a few words to say on the essence of graduation. He said, "graduating with my undergraduate and honours degrees during the Covid years made this recent graduation particularly special- it felt like my first 'real' graduation, where I could finally share the moment with my loved ones". He says this graduation was a chance for him to reflect on the long journey of hardwork and resilience, which he finally had the opportunity to celebrate it with those that supported him along the way. Ncetani remarked on the difficulty of balancing studies and working full-time. Ncetani is the first MSc graduate in his family, making this achievement a testament to everyone that it is possible!
The geology department is extremely proud of all the our students who graduated this past graduation season!