2019 Annual Science Postgraduate Showcase

UCT annual Science Postgraduate Showcase took place on 25 July this year in the S Baartman Hall.
Postgrads Adrien Ndamyabera, Jacky Bouanga-Boudiombo, Nike Omosun, Kojo Acquah, Tomas Bruce-Chwatt, and Max Keresztesi helped out at the stall for the day and answered questions from interested students who may be considering postgrad studies.
Many thanks to our volunteers for their hard work and participation - and especially Adrien, our postgrad representative on the Science students' council, who managed all the preparations for the day!

Adrien, Jacky, Kojo, Nike

Max, Tomas, Adrien

Adrien and Jacky talking to an interested student

Adrien sharing a joke with a participant

Colourful display

Something bubbling away

Maybe even better than Lego!