Graduation - April 2019

15 Apr 2019
Graduation - April 2019
Graduation - April 2019
15 Apr 2019


April Graduation saw our Honours 2018 class being capped. Peter Cheuka was also graduating with a PhD in Chemistry and Consolata Nsanzubuhoro and Ananya Gangopadhyay with their Master's in Chemistry and Computational Science respectively.

Honours graduates who couldn't attend on the day were Max Keresztesi, Larnelle Garnie and Nielfah Ebrahim.

Prof Egan with Consolata Nsanzubuhoro (left) and Peter Cheuka (right)
Consolata attained her MSc and Peter his PhD in Chemistry - both supervised by Prof. Kelly Chibale

Ananya Gangopadhyay (MSc in Computational Science) with supervisor Prof. Kevin Naidoo

Some of the Honours Class of 2018: Linda Lufuta, Kim Jackson, Tayla Wilson (front)
Taryn Golding, Kedibone Muguru, Sneza Mkhize (back)

Honours class with Dr Ngubane, our Honours co-ordinator