RIP Dr Shirley Churms
The Chemistry Department is saddened by the news that Dr Shirley Churms passed away on 23 February 2016.
Dr Shirley C Churms (born Macintosh) graduated with the BSc (with distinction in Chemistry) in 1957, Honours in 1958 and the PhD in 1962. She was awarded the Ohio State Fellowship by the International Federation of University Women, which enabled her to spend her postdoctoral year at the Imperial College of Science and Technology, London.
Dr Churms held a position as a research associate in the Carbohydrate Chemistry Research Unit, under the direction of Professor Alistair Stephen. At a time when few women were active researchers she established herself as an expert in carbohydrate chemistry, culminating in the publication of several books on the topic in the 1980s and 1990s. After her retirement she continued her association with the Department of Chemistry and in recent years, generations of undergraduate and postgraduate students have welcomed Dr Churms' expertise in editing and advice on scientific writing.