The Laboratory for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (previously the Laboratory for Foundational Aspects of Computer Science) is both a research group in the Department of Mathematics & Applied Mathematics of the University of Cape Town, and the name of the rooms in the Mathematics Building at UCT in which DMTCS postgraduate students and visitors are accommodated. Members of the DMTCS Lab conduct research in a number of areas, including Complexity Theory, Computability Theory, Cryptography, and Graph Theory, and teach courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Theoretical Computer Science has always been closely linked to Mathematics. The fruitful interaction between Mathematics and Computer Science can nowadays be considered as important as the interaction of Mathematics with Physics. In many areas of Mathematics methods and theories have been developed which are inspired or motivated by applications in Computer Science and such methods have led to a deeper understanding of Computer Science and also to applications of practical importance. The DMTCS Lab offers an excellent environment for researchers and students of Mathematics or Computer Science who are interested in interdisciplinary issues.