Please contact us to discuss potential research projects. We will also connect you with other potential partners at UCT, if necessary.

Radiation metrology and applications

  • Development of the fast neutron beam facility at iThemba LABS to a metrological reference standard.
  • Neutron activation analyses, such as trace element characterization of mineral ores.
  • Development and characterization of particle detectors and dosemeters used at flight altitudes and on space missions.
  • Positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) for the characterization of particulate flow.
  • The use of nuclear techniques for in-situ characterisation of engineering particulate systems.
  • Reducing the energy impact of mineral processing operations in South Africa through fundamentally based models of flow. 
  • Development of a prompt gamma imaging (PGI) device to produce 3D images of
    proton dose deposition
  • Combining nuclear imaging techniques with high speed photography to measure three phase flow in minerals applications.
  • Imaging flow through porous media for the petrochemical industry.
  • The development of multiphase tracers for positron imaging systems.

Electrical metrology and applications

  • Development of quantum electrical standards for voltage and current.
  • Photocatalytic production of hydrogen.
  • Single electron transport in low dimensional gas systems.
  • Computational exercises for electronic structure codes.
  • Searching for quaternary crystals using high-throughput density functional theory.

Physical metrology and applications

  • Development of the precursor for the new Watt Balance for South Africa.
  • Students’ understanding of the new SI.
  • Students’ understanding of measurement and uncertainty in the physics laboratory.
  • New materials for advancing the teaching of measurement.